#PropTechDen live event at London Build Expo October 26th:
The ever popular #PropTechDen concept welcomes the invitation to put together one of their live shows at this years London Build Expo at Olympia on October 26th.
Taking place at The Future London Summit, #PropTechDen will enable 2/3 #PropTech start-ups to pitch their concept looking for investment and advice to a panel of selected judges and investors with seating for over 100 delegates to watch in the audience.
If you would like to pitch / judge at this unique event then please contact us ASAP as slots are already being take: christopher@stagingsite.estateagentnetworking.co.uk or call 07917 434943
To claim your free tickets to attend the show and watch #PropTechDen live simply visit the official Eventbrite page here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/london-build-2017-featuring-the-festival-of-construction-free-to-attend-registration-30113828271?aff=EAN
Event starts 2:45pm and ends 4:10pm on October 26th 2017. Location Olympia, London.
Christopher Walkey, Founder of #PropTechDen
Andy Soloman, Founder & CEO of Yomdel
Nikhil Patel, VP at Flamingo Investment Group
Sam Johns, Estate Apps UK
Reece Chowdhry, Founder of RLC Ventures
Michael Buckworth, Founder of Buckworths