How to take care of the home interior when you live in a rental.
Living in a rental is just as a responsible task as living in your own home. You need to maintain the place, pay the bills, provide repairs when necessary, etc. The fact that you don’t own the apartment may tempt you to do very little to preserve its possessions. It’s not advisable you do so, however. Here is what you should do to keep your rented apartment in good condition.
Replace broken items
It makes sense to replace any item when it no longer operates properly. This will keep your place in good condition and it will also help you live a normal life. Failing to replace damaged or broken parts may cause greater damage affecting the whole property. Beware of that. The best way to prevent any problems is to occasionally inspect the apartment for anything suspicious. Does your toilet seem to be not working properly? Is there a problem with the cooker? Is the bath fan too noisy? Pay attention to the signals. As soon as you notice a problem, don’t hesitate to inform your landlord or call in a specialist to deal with it. Handling the matter in time will save you a lot more money than waiting for it to get worse. For example, a minor pipe leak may not seem to bother you at first, but unless you do something about it, it may affect the whole plumbing system and even flood the apartment.
Fix problems as soon as they emerge. Don’t wait for later, as any tiny problem will get worse the longer you postpone finding a solution. It may be a good idea to let your landlord know there is a problem and discuss together what should be done. For minor issues you may want to get the job done yourself or call in a qualified technician. One thing is for sure, you should never leave a problem unattended. Else, the chances are you end up spending a king’s ransom to fix major damages that arouse because of your unwillingness to act as soon as there was a problem.
Beware of the contractors you hire to get the job done. Whether you need a plumber, carpenter, fitter or electrician, just make sure you do some basic research on the available companies before you call in the first provider you come across with.
Here are some tips about cleaning contributed by ShinyLondon Muswell Hill. The best way to preserve all the furnishings and items that come with a rental is to clean regularly. Get all the tools and supplies you need from the store and create your own cleaning kit. You need rubber gloves, detergents, oven cleaners, all-purpose cleaners, floor mops, buckets, microfibre cloths, broom, vacuum, rags, dust pans, brushes, trash bags, etc.
But scrubbing the floors and wiping down the shelves occasionally isn’t always enough. Every now and then do a little deep cleaning of all the areas you are likely to miss when housekeeping. For example, have you ever cleaned under the couch? Or have you looked in between cabinets? There is always a place that doesn’t get to be washed, whether in your bathroom or in the living areas. You may not own the apartment, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t care about its condition. First things first, you are living there for the time being and you should ensure that the premises are free from dust, bacteria and debris for your own sake. Second, moving out of the apartment when the time comes will be very easy if you took the time to look after it. Not to mention, you won’t need to fall over yourself cleaning before the big move.
Also, take into consideration the fact that someone has put a lot of effort into building that apartment and into keeping it in good condition. Have respect for that person and all the hard work they put into creating this place so that you or someone else could use it.