A surge in office refurbishments outside London, the fastest growth in years.
The first six months of 2015 has been really interesting the pattern of refurbishments has been changing for the first time in years we are seeing the north and the provinces refurbishing at a much faster rate in years.
We are finding that in certain areas offices have not updated for 20 years and have now decided that they need to bring their image up to date. Many of the independent agents are looking at re-branding and this has resulted in complete new interior and window designs. The emphasis has been on creating friendly contemporary environments which reflect the modern way of doing business.
There is definitely a north south divide when it comes to design. What we are finding is that the southern agencies particularly in London and surrounding areas are now looking at low-level illuminated displays and north are going for a mixture of suspended displays.
In recent months major towns in the North are now taking bold steps for their interiors and are adding wallpaper maps, illuminated lettering and digital signage. Many of them are reducing the gallery of properties and replacing it with digital signage.
To meet this requirement Fairfield has just launched Sirius they eye catching low level LED Light Panels on elegant stands. It is the quality of the design and the crispness of the presentation that clients are really impressed with. The panels are supplied as standard in a high gloss black panel with a sparkling bevelled edge. The property details are held in place with elegant acrylic pockets with silver screen printed borders. The units are available as standard to hold A4 portrait and A3 landscape property details. The units can be customised in height to suit the window style.
The other range which becoming increasing popular is the curved light pockets which look like large ipads that can be suspended from the ceiling only in a 3 dimensional display.
As we all know every window is different and this is particularly the case when designing displays for listed buildings. The Fairfield consultants have a tremendous amount of experience of visiting properties all over the country and are able to advise really innovative ways of maximising the effectiveness of difficult windows.
Visit www.estateagencydisplays.co.uk for inspirational ideas or call now for a free consultant visit call 01252 757 537