Estate Agent Talk
Is a Smart Home worth more money?
Being Smart brings to mind a whole host of thoughts… Do you mean being sensible, is it being good at using a Smart Mobile Phone or does it refer to what you control remotely? Well for this blog we will take a look at all three of these things by way of Smart Technology for…

Christopher Walkey
A quick look back over 2015
As 2015 comes to an end I thought it might be interesting to just look back at some items of news that stood out during the year for those of us involved in the Property Industry, if anyone has anymore to add please do so in the reply section. Month by month 2015 January. Analysts…

Allen Walkey
Online Estate Agents revealing nearly all…
Lots of news in the air towards Online Estate Agents and many new names are entering the industry. Are they rivaling traditional estate agency or are they simply adding a new dimension to how people buy/sell/rent property in the UK? We contacted a selection of Online Estate Agency concepts via Twitter and asked them some…

Christopher Walkey
2016 – Motivated Vendors… Yes Please!
Here’s the Estate Agents perfect scenario – every vendor is motivated to sell and will sell. Nothing wrong with that – but is it reality or is it a happy valley dream? What proportion of your stock is taken up by unmotivated vendors? Understanding your clients motivation to sell is just one part of the…

Property – Never an ‘Elephant in the room’.
Over the years I have been fortunate enough to participate in many amusing and inspiring debates. I have also had the misfortune of attending some work meetings that were simply uninteresting and dull. So the ‘anaesthetic’ of choice for those tedious times was to ‘throw’ into the conversation something about Politics – usually a guaranteed…

Alex Evans
Are you guilty of any of these? Estate Agency Jargon.
While researching this article I found a few dictionary definitions of jargon that stood out. Special words and phrases which are used by particular groups of people, especially in their work and industry. Often not understood by ‘outsiders.’ Unintelligible or meaningless talk or writing. Utter shite spouted by someone who doesn’t have the brains or…

Alex Evans
Japanese Knotweed – Buyer Beware.
Japanese Knotweed is an invasive plant and was first discovered by Swedish naturalist Carl Peter Thunberg during the 18th century. By the twentieth century it became apparent that Japanese Knotweed is an invasive plant and needs to be dealt with. There are different types of solutions for treating or eradicating Japanese Knotweed from herbicide treatment…

Alex Evans
All Blacks – What can we learn from them?
Now that several weeks have passed since their emphatic win in this year’s rugby World Cup final, I have no doubt that the analysis, the questions and the head scratching will continue for months, if not years. Although some people will overthink the strategy and reflect on their performance the simple answer is that New…

Alex Evans
Fast broadband speeds to become a right, not a privilege.
Why the government is preparing legislation that will give everyone the legal right to broadband with a minimum speed of 10 mbps When US singer-songwriter Joni Mitchell wrote the lyrics to Big Yellow Taxi on her first trip to Hawaii in the late 1960s, the line “You don’t know what you’ve got. Till it’s gone’…

Alex Evans
Lessons can be Learnt from Cyber Monday.
Did you survive Black Friday? The one-day event didn’t exist in the UK 5 years ago, now it’s a week-long sale phenomenon that has changed the way we shop for Christmas and how we are sold to. We can forget about that again for 51 weeks, today is Monday, or ‘Cyber Monday’ as it is…

Alex Evans
Estate Apps at Agency Essentials.
The first ever Agency Essentials event took place in Manchester this week, the first of what we hope to be many more collaborative efforts between property industry suppliers. As well as ourselves at Estate Apps, we were lucky enough to be joined by Veco, Fixflo, TouchRight and Docusign. In addition to giving us each the…

When opportunity knocks does your agency answer?
A couple of incidents happened to me recently which brought into sharp focus how some people miss opportunities while others seize them. The first episode was very close to home. In fact it was in my home and it involved my three and a half year-old daughter, Charlotte. A couple of weeks ago or so…

Alex Evans
Choosing an Estate Agent with Circus Experience!
In this fast paced, instant access, target driven world we live in, so much emphasis is often placed on salesmanship. It doesn’t matter whether you are involved in potatoes, poodles or property, the principles behind selling and selling techniques are mostly the same across many business sectors. Arguably, estate agents have a more unusual process…

Alex Evans
Do I need a for sale sign outside my property?
With the internet now the leading method of property marketing you may well be asking yourself, “do I need a for sale sign outside my property”? As estate agents in Bishop’s Stortford, this is of course a question we are regularly asked and so we thought it would be a good topic for our latest…

Alex Evans
HD and 4K photography and videography for Estate Agency.
Our blog this month is aimed at those with a general interest in HD and 4K photography and videography, but those that are not necessarily in the profession and simply looking for a bit of clarity on the subject. Clarity of course being the operative word, though no pun was intended! So firstly a little…

Alex Evans