Despite Brexit fears Halifax predicts ‘Broad Stability’
The UK housing market is a very difficult one to predict especially trying to decide if prices will rise, fall or stay as they are. The Halifax was reported to have released their thoughts in saying that prices will remain rather stable for 2019 with a price inflation of up to 4%.
The main reasoning behind this prediction is the continued shortage of property coming on to the market and the reduction of house building that is likely if prices remain subdued.
Full report on the Henley Standard website.
Halifax managing director Russell Galley said: “Despite current political upheaval, and on the basis that it is still most likely that the UK exits the EU with a form of withdrawal agreement and transition period, we expect annual house price growth nationally to be in the range of two to four per cent by the end of 2019. This is slightly stronger than 2018, but still fairly subdued by modern comparison.”