Good photos can make a great website.
As you know good photos can really sell a property and bad photos can put off both vendors and buyers alike. Your photos play a really important part of your website and can make a massive difference to your site. Your website is your virtual shop window, so make-sure your property’s photos stand out and look great by following these few easy top tips.
1. Ready for your close up?
Ensure your camera has a wide-zoom lens so you can use the wide angle (24mm or lower) setting for interior shots and correct zoom (35mm-70mm) for exterior shots. You don’t what to have to be hanging out a window to make-sure you get all of the room in the shot!
2. Feeling around in the dark?
If you take an interior photo of a room with a bright window or French door at the end, set the flash to manual on, otherwise you will end up with a perfectly exposed window and the rest of the room as dark as a cave! Flash fill ensures an even exposure.
3. Feeling faded? Use an external flash
Point and shoot is all very well for small rooms, but if you regularly list property’s with large rooms, it pays to invest in an external flash which is much more powerful; enough to illuminate large rooms. Also many external flash units can be angled to bounce the light off the ceiling, which gives a more even distribution of light.
4. Don’t cut…Your properties off in photos
For houses, always try to show the full depth of the property in the photo if possible. Both Vendors and buyers want to see the whole property, not just the bit you could fit in. you may need to be a little creative, but try to get the whole property in.
5. Blinded by light!
If a property has a South facing garden, this can cause problems because the Sun will be behind the house when you are trying to take a shot of the front. This causes the property to look very dark and you will not be able to see any detail. Try to take photo’s early in the morning when the Sun is in the East (Sun will come from the side of the property).
6. Hide the Dustbins!
We are always amazed to see photos taken of extremely untidy rooms, gardens and driveways. Ask your clients to tidy up in readiness for photos. Ugly commercial vans and old cars on driveways should also be removed.
7. Ugly exteriors!
If you have a particularly unattractive looking property, try to get some decent interior photos, perhaps some shots looking out of a window or photos of nearby attractions (parks, shopping locations or stations) can help. Really make your property details stand out with great photos. They really can make all the difference!
If you would like further information about websites, please call us on:
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