How can Social Media increase business: Estate & Letting Agents

social media 2024 for estate agency

For 2024 I have decided to venture back into writing articles on marketing for the estate agency sector. It’s time to blow the dust off my type writer and once again join the vibrant and fast moving world of selling and renting property in the UK.

Back in the early 2010’s I was one of the very few pushing the power of social media on to the UK property industry. Despite invited talks at the likes of the Negotiator Awards and having stands at relevant property shows, there was very little up take. Much of what I was advocating went well above most of the very few who listened to me heads, the likes of Facebook and YouTube were merely website that people used for sharing photos and videos of people having a cup of coffee here and there… Oh, how times have changed!

Fast forward to 2024 and we are firmly in a world of social media and innovation thanks to the blossoming #proptech sector. Not only can we keep up to date with whom of our family and friends are having coffee, we can be kept informed on latest world news, celebrities selling us the latest in-thing and when’s the best time to plant runner beans in the garden – Social Media is now a fast evolving wealth of latest information, influencers and trends.

So, how can social media increase business for estate and letting agents? If we take the fact that social media is thriving, nearly everyone with either computers / tablets / mobile phones uses it (and has one or multiple accounts) then there is no better place for your agency to be seen, right? If we add to this theory that social media is totally free to use then we have quite a valuable market / audience to tap into.

If you monopolise the locally themed content on social media, then can you imagine the amount of leads you can generate on social media? Easier said than done unquestionably, but realistically achievable – All it takes is the building of a few target themed groups / pages and an influencer personal account.Christopher Walkey founder Estate Agent Networking

How can an estate / letting agency use social media? What can they share?

  • Latest property listings
  • Property video tours
  • Latest regional property news to include sales / prices
  • Educational content including helpful hints and types towards buying / selling property
  • Expertise advice on property DIY / renovation
  • Regional news / events updates
  • Historical information
  • Interviews with key local companies / persons

and much, much more…

You must realise the importance of being visible on social media for any relevant searches taking place and being the centre of any discussions. Not only should you have the content to share, you must also have the audiences to engage with! Many (and many more) estate and letting agents think that a random post, more or less as a goodwill gesture, to a non existent following will suffice – Yes, if you are not bothered about results, and like most things in life it boils down to what you put in will certainly be how well you are rewarded.

A quick overview of the thought process you need when considering and adopting social media as one of your main ways to drive more business to your estate agency:

  • How much time / money can you invest?
  • What expertise have you?
  • What is your target audience and how will they be using social media?
  • Create and build your own groups / pages or purchase / sponsor others that already exist.
  • Maintaining and evolving your presence on social media.
  • How did you find us?


Social media, as most know it today, has been around since 2004 (the year Facebook was founded) and we must remember that the youngsters who started to use it back then are now all of adult age. This group known as Generation Z are now all seeking their first rentals / purchases and will likely have a Facebook profile, TikTok account and most probably shared a few videos on YouTube – Isn’t it then quite realistic that they might seek out trustworthy people to deal with in property via similar channels? Nothing, leastways for now, can beat a presence on Rightmove or Zoopla, a high street shop location and maybe a double page spread advert in the local free newspaper, but you’d be wise not to dismiss social media and to avoid thinking about investing in it.Christopher Walkey founder Estate Agent Networking

Until my next article, feel free to reach out to me if you require inspiration and support regarding your estate / letting agency social media.

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Christopher Walkey

Founder of Estate Agent Networking. Internationally invited speaker on how to build online target audiences using Social Media. Writes about UK property prices, housing, politics and affordable homes.

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