How to use TikTok: Estate / Letting Agents
Even if you have yet to use it, or you assume it to be one of those social media platforms for youngsters, you will have most certainly heard of TikTok. The brand has certainly been hitting the headlines in recent months with much negatives thrown at it, from accusations of providing user data to the Chinese government to being banned in the USA. Despite all these challenges, TikTok is still standing and expanding with an audience of around two billion users worldwide. and it’s estimated that 170 million people use it in the USA and 16.8 Million (76 percent aged between 15 and 24 years) with an account in the UK.
TikTok is being used for property with many, many estate / letting agents and industry professionals sharing regular content and attracting big audiences. The good news is that it is very easy to use and there are no costs involved.
- Via your mobile phone, download the TikTok app.
- Register yourself a free account.
- Set up your profile.
- Start uploading, watching and interacting!
- Within 10 minutes you can easily be up and running on TikTok.
Once you have your account created, you will need to start engaging with other users. The most popular way is to start sharing interesting video content – You should ideally set yourself a theme, this could be ideas such as property video tours or landlord tips, though do try and be consistent with the theme of videos you share and stick to a filming format. Do your best not to use your account for posting unrelated videos such as family, political views etc.
Your content should be filmed and neatly edited (you can edit videos on TikTok) so that you provide short, yet fact filled videos. Depending on your filming and editing skills, the best lighting and the best audio will really help to give a professional feel to your videos. Use plenty of text to describe your video and do not forget to use hashtags.
Interactions occur via other users via: Likes / Favouriting / Messaging / Re-sharing to their Account / Embedding / Sending to Friends / Sharing via other Social Media Channels or by Email. Do not forget that likewise, you can also engage with other users content by interacting in similar ways.
Once your account has built a sufficient following and engagement, you will also be able to broadcast live on your channel which opens up more potential for engaging directly with your audiences in real time.