To secure the best million pound mortgage on a residential or buy to let basis you need to assess the entire market to make sure you are achieving the best possible terms. You also need to be able to weigh up a number of different ways of structuring the loan.
If you are looking for a million pound mortgage and have a standard income stream, little or no international exposure and can contribute 25% or more of the purchase price, that’s fantastic. We will be able to find you the most cost-efficient structure on an interest only or repayment basis.
If your income is more complicated – for example if you are self-employed, a non-dom or an expat – there are still plenty of routes open to you. Alternatively, if the property you wish to purchase is non-standard, our advisers will be able to assess the market and work closely with lenders on your behalf to find the best possible structure.
If you have any other assets which can be leveraged as part of the transaction, such as a personal pension or stock portfolio, our advisers will be able to use them to your advantage. Lender criteria and rates are much more flexible for million pound mortgages, and you may be able to achieve a higher loan to value or a lower rate than you expect.
By: Islay Robinson CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER – https://www.ennessprivate.co.uk/mortgage-service/million-pound/