Product Review: Colours Floor Varnish Oak Satin
If you are looking to freshen up those exposed floor boards or maybe even you have just taken up the old carpet and discovered an amazing wooden flooring hiding away then you will certainly require a floor varnish.
To get the best results from any form of decorating you will be required to put some time in to the preparations of the surface. If you are dealing with older floor boards then you mostly likely will need to give them a sanding down, wood filler and even re-applying nails to the joists so to fix those squeaky sounds.
Colours Floor Varnish:
Here we had old pine floor boards so to test the Colours Floor Varnish. These will require ideally a full sand down so to remove any previous varnish covering, stains, dirt etc. You may also at this point see if any gaps are needing filling or loose floorboards need fixing with extra nails (be careful of any pipes / cables that may be hiding beneath).
Once sanded down it is advisable to remove all of the dust by way of both vacuuming and then following up a wipe down of the whole area with a damp cloth of either water or as we did, with white spirit. Once dried fully you can then look to varnish.
The Satin Oak from Colours gave a fairly decent first coat covering and a not too dark finish which is more or less identically displayed on the tin, drying time was approximately two hours. Once dried you can then decide if you wish to add a second coat – Reviewing this product I felt another coat was needed as the boards appeared to have a slightly thin coating that would easily wear quickly when foot traffic passed on it.
When a second coat was added (twelve hours after the initiate coat) the colouring darkened a touch though I felt more positive that I had given the floorboards a better protection. One week later and with footsteps passing on them they are fine and I am confident they are protected for a good few years to come.