Top 3 ways to invest a big amount of money

Are you interested in investing a large amount of money? Investing a windfall, such as an inheritance or a lottery jackpot, may bring to mind the fast-paced London Stock Exchange or give the impression that it’s only for older, wealthier individuals further along in their careers than you. However, this notion is far from accurate. So, how to invest if you win the lottery or receive a hefty inheritance?

3 great ways to invest a big amount of money

When done prudently, investing is an excellent means of preserving your wealth. Moreover, many investment options are available to virtually everyone, irrespective of income or profession. Here are three great ways to invest your windfall, including stock exchange.

Certificate of Deposit

Certificate of Deposit is a more profitable investment modality than Savings, and it has a very low degree of risk and complexity because it is guaranteed by the Credit Guarantee Scheme.

When purchasing a CD, you will be investing your money in a banking institution, and it, in turn, will use this amount to fund its core activity (such as loans and financing).

A CD typically offer higher interest rates than savings accounts or savings booklets. The interest rate on a CD is usually fixed and guaranteed for the duration of the term, which can range from a few months to several years. This makes CDs a good option for people who want to earn a higher return on their savings while minimizing risk.

Investment Funds: rely on professional managers

Other very interesting options among investments with greater profitability are Investment Funds. These funds have a professional manager leading the Fund’s administration and strategy to extract the best profitability from financial products on the market.

This application is very simple: shareholders allocate resources to create a Fund that will be invested in several of the best assets possible.

When opting for Investment Funds, it is possible to choose the best ones by filtering by profitability, redemption period, risk level, and minimum investment. Of course, having professional managers fully dedicated to the market makes a total difference in delivering a superior profitability to Savings.

Invest in the Stock Exchange

Before finishing this article, let’s briefly discuss another investment tip that is better than Savings: The Stock Exchange. When the conversation reaches the variable income market, many people get tense, and there are those who believe it is something completely distant and complicated.

In addition to investing in the best companies through their shares, the Exchange offers a wide range of assets. For example, options, commodities, ETFs, and much more. Important: you don’t have to give up the security aspect when considering this investment, as some strategies and tools help you invest with greater success potential.

And the best part: contrary to the thinking of many, nowadays, it is very simple and affordable to invest in this market. The main culprit in the stories of those who lost everything on the stock exchange is the lack of strategy and knowledge to deal with this market.


You don’t have to have a lot of money to start investing and not even exposing yourself to unnecessary risks. So, how about getting out of Savings, going after that investment that has the best return, learning how to invest better, and start making your money really work?


Is Bitcoin a good investment?

Bitcoin, the most significant cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization, is a hazardous investment with considerable volatility. Therefore, it is advisable to contemplate investing in it only if you possess a high-risk appetite, have a robust financial standing, and can bear the loss of any funds you put into it.

What are 3 very risky investments?

Although the names and descriptions of products can vary, examples of investments with a high level of risk include crypto assets (or cryptos), mini-bonds (sometimes referred to as high-interest return bonds), and land banking.

What is the safest investing?

Bonds are the kind of investment that is typically more stable and less unpredictable than stocks and shares. When it comes to risk, bonds may be considered a middle ground between depositing your money and engaging in full-fledged equity investment.

Is investing safer than saving?

The primary distinction between saving and investing lies in the level of risk involved. Saving typically yields a lower return but with minimal risk. In contrast, investing offers the potential for higher returns but at the cost of assuming the risk of potential losses.

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