4 Natural Ways to Help You Fight Anxiety While Working At Home

Do you experience fear, nervousness, apprehension, or feel worried? Worry no more! In this article, we’ll tell you what anxiety is, its causes, types, signs and symptoms, and ways to fight it.

So, What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a mental health disorder characterized by strong feelings of fear and worry. These feelings interfere with our daily activities.

Anxiety is often considered a healthy and normal emotion. However, it becomes a mental disorder when you regularly feel disproportionate anxiety levels. It’s a common mental illness that affects 18.1% of the U.S population every year.

There are some products like Nature’s Happiness that are on hand to help you, you can boost your confidence and enjoy a happier and calmer life without racing thoughts, which as we all know, can do more harm than good.

What are the Possible Causes of Anxiety?

  • Environmental stressors such as family or relationship problems and pressure from work.
  • Genetics – Individuals with family members with anxiety disorder are more likely to encounter anxiety.
  • Medical factors such as effects of a medication and stress of a prolonged recovery or intensive surgery.
  • Withdrawal from drugs or misuses of illicit drugs.
  • Buildup of stress, for example death of a family member.
  • Trauma – Individuals who witnessed traumatic occurrence or endured abuse can develop anxiety disorder.

What are the Types of Anxiety?

1. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

PSTD is anxiety following a traumatic occurrence.

2. Panic Disorder

This involves encountering recurring panic attacks unexpectedly.

3. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCD is recurring irrational thoughts that make you do certain repeated behaviors.

4. Phobia

This is excessive fear of certain activity, situation, or object.

5. Separation Anxiety Disorder

SAD involves having fear of being away from your loved ones or home.

6. Illness Anxiety Disorder (Hypochondria)

Involves having anxiety about your well-being.

7. Social Anxiety Disorder

Involves having extreme fear of being judged in social settings.

What are the Signs and Symptoms of Anxiety?

  • Tingling or numbness
  • Feeling dizzy or faint
  • Restlessness
  • Dry mouth
  • Fear
  • Worry or apprehension
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Distress

Effective Ways to Fight Anxiety

1. Avoid Caffeine

Ice-cold coke, chocolate, and coffee are rich in caffeine. Caffeine is a stimulant that gives the nervous system a thrust by boosting energy levels. However, when under pressure, the energy can stimulate anxiety attack.

Moderating the rate at which you consume foods rich in caffeine can help lower heart rate thus reducing anxiety attacks. Instead of taking 4 cups of coffee a day, reduce it to one cup. As you wean yourself, try to be creative and introduce herbal tea, which can help calm your nerves and mind.

2. Vaping

Studies reveal that vaping is effective in curbing anxiety. A 2010 study showed that it reduces anxiety symptoms in individuals with social anxiety disorder. Click here to learn how vaporizers work and make an informed decision.

In this study, the participants’ brains were scanned. Their brains showed triggered changes in blood flow to areas in the brain connected with anxiety emotions. These results show how it can treat anxiety.

A survey done in 2018 revealed that it can ease anxiety symptoms by 58%. The study revealed that women experienced a higher reduction rate than males.

3. Have Enough Sleep

Do you lack enough time to sleep because of your busy schedule? Being a workaholic can deprive you enough sleeping time. We all need 8 to 9 hours of sleep for our body to function well.

Whether you intentionally deprive yourself from sleeping well or you’re suffering from insomnia, you have a higher chance of getting anxiety. Before you go to bed, create a bedtime routine of reading a book or engaging yourself with a relaxing activity.

The more prepared you are to get a good sleep, the higher the quality of sleep you’ll get. A good night’s sleep leads to a better morning.

4. Avoid Staying Hungry

Skipping meals can worsen anxiety symptoms. Hunger causes blood sugar to drop, causing the release of cortisol. Cortisol is a stress hormone that helps you perform better when you’re under pressure. However, the hormone can make you feel worse when you’re already having anxiety attacks.

The fact that you shouldn’t stay hungry doesn’t justify stuffing any food you come across in your mouth. Avoid overindulging in junk and sugary food. Excessive consumption of sugar can lead to sugar rush. This can, in turn, cause anxiety symptoms such as shaking and nervousness.

Eat healthy foods such as healthy fats, fresh vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and lean proteins. Avoid skipping your breakfast because it’s crucial in helping to kickstart metabolism. Eat in small bits at least 5 to 6 times a day. Limit your intake of refined carbohydrates.


Anxiety can activate your fight-or-flight stress response. It causes the release of hormones like adrenaline, into your body. However, it’s possible to win this battle using the above-mentioned remedies. In addition, online resources such as Rolling Paper can offer more information with regards to the best ways to fight the symptoms of anxiety naturally.

Sometimes, fighting nervousness and worry involves modifying your lifestyle, thoughts, and behavior. Curbing anxiety using natural approaches should be your first option. If your symptoms persist or worsen, you can seek medical attention. Do what works for you best! Don’t let anxiety control your life!

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