Estate Agent Talk

Are you a Top Gun Valuer? The best of the best?


Have you ever seen those Valuers and Listers that seem to be able to list everything they touch at one firm, to then wither when they move agents? The hot shot Lister at your arch rivals, the Valuer who can do no wrong, this Valuer can list with his or her eyes closed, only to…



Christopher Watkin

Working with charities: Case study with Bidwells


In the second part of our series looking at the benefits to your agency of working with charities, we feature Bidwells celebrating their 175th anniversary with activities that engaged their local communities and produced long-term benefits – I’m sure they had a party too! Patrick McMahon, Senior Partner at Bidwells explains, “Bidwells has recently been…



Don’t get slapdash when it comes to CVs.


Very rarely is there a time when agency owners aren’t on the lookout for good staff. Perhaps they are expanding; maybe the sales division is surging ahead plus there’s always resignations and retirements to cover. In lettings, the recruitment drive is almost exclusively for experienced, qualified staff that are familiar with the legalities and complex…




Election Countdown


Another week closer to the General Election with just 32 days to go, we are now halfway through the four TV debates,   the two hour seven way debate that we had during last week never actually produced a clear cut winner, just a top four, Cameron, Farage, Sturgeon and Milliband. Britain’s political landscape appears  at…



Allen Walkey

VIDEO: Are female only awards another form of segregation?




Profile Pages and Grow your Group on Estate Agent Networking now available.


At Estate Agent Networking and the team we have on board, we are not used to standing still so the new developments to our fast growing web portal community keep on coming. We are now pleased to release two new key features which we hope will help the industry network even more closely allowing Estate…



Christopher Walkey

Selling a famous property: from music legend to murder.


From the former home of a music legend to the site of a murder, the history of a property can arguably affect its selling price and can make it hard to value, as a number of recent examples illustrate. At a recent auction, the former childhood home of Sir Paul McCartney in Speke, Liverpool achieved…



VIDEO: ‘News Of The Week: Policies Affecting The Sector’.


Which policies are more realistic and beneficial for the economy?



Why the perceived best advice on how to choose an estate agent is all wrong!


As an industry a lot of the advice given to consumer’s by “experts” doesn’t actually make much sense. No wonder many clients are unhappy with their selling experience. Consumers are urged to choose an agent with the biggest board presence- why? I understand that an agency with a lot of listings looks busy, but is…



Lying cheating agents who do cheap fees…


When I was an agent, one of the worst bits was dealing with the competition ..most were good and mutual respect was given and received .. apart from the bar$***d agents, the ones who dropped fees to get the business, even worse, the agents who told lies to get the business. Let me tell you…



Christopher Watkin

Election Countdown


Well, just 40 more days to go and we should know which party or coalition of parties   will be in government. This week we had our first televised “debate” between the two Davids, Cameron and Milliband, it didn’t really tell us much except that the polls immediately following gave Cameron the edge, then the next…



Allen Walkey

CITB says rise in number of workers reflects housing boom.


The Construction Industry Training Board says the industry must recruit more than 200,000 extra workers in the next 5 years to keep on top of rising demand. For the first time since the downturn, rising spending on housing, leisure and infrastructure will deliver growth in every region of the UK. To deal with the upswing…



Working with Local Government.


The local planning authority (LPA) – usually the district or borough council – is responsible for deciding whether a proposed development should be allowed to go ahead. This is called planning permission. Most new buildings, major alterations to existing buildings and significant changes to the use of a building or piece of land need this…



What Women in Property Think, of Women in Property!


A couple of months ago I published the first edition to our women in property campaign “Women in Construction”. This developed into a larger than originally anticipated campaign receiving a massive public response in relation to what women within the sector thought. As a company we carried out a number of Video Blogs from a…



Taking the stress out of performance appraisals.


Employees often regard appraisals as something dreadful, the kind of meeting that may lead to a bad mark on their employment record.  The end goal of a staff appraisal is to help organisations make important decisions about an employee regarding their pay, their development, and their training. Giving a performance appraisal can often send managers…