Estate Agent Talk
Why invest in property?
Steadily, but assuredly, the economy has moved into a new cycle. Gone are the years of decline and stagnation and, in their place is a period of consistent economic growth, falling unemployment and, at last, wages increasing in real terms. A good time to invest then, but what should you invest in to best secure…

Alex Evans
Property Managers: How much more are you expected to do?
The goalposts have shifted. An influx on new lettings laws introduced this October mean the role and remit of a property manager has changed yet again. While the Government want to make life for tenants and landlords more transparent, it becomes murkier and more complex for property managers. Even more rules to abide by and…

There is No ‘Perfect Deal’ for the Investor Who Waits.
If you keep waiting for a great deal to come your way then you are in the wrong job. Most Estate Agents commercial property gets picked up by proactive investors who have the guts to act upon their market knowledge and are willing to take risks. And while you are waiting for that great money…

Alex Evans
Congratulations! Your office just lost you an instruction!
If you’re like most HS agents, you probably have an expensive fascia and window display. And maybe some very expensive shop fitting? After all, the office is a major window to the world and your prime ‘fixed asset’- it’s advertising and marketing that promotes your brand and company image 24/ 7. As the nights draw…

Alex Evans
Let’s discuss Estate Agent fees…
Why is it that estate agency fees vary? Why is it that some estate agents charge more than others? Why, when you call to ask what they charge, do you feel like they avoid your answer, making it feel like you are literally going around the houses to get your answer? It really shouldn’t be…

Alex Evans
What’s the value of your agency’s reputation?
It’s been said that your reputation is what people say about you when you are NOT there. Nowhere is this more true than on the internet. Having worked in crisis management PR and also being on the other side of the fence as a prying, mischief making journalist I know how things can turn out…

Alex Evans
Converting viewings to valuations – This is the most classic and essential trick in the book as far as increasing productivity and profits goes, you have to ensure that your staff are seeing every opportunity to create a market appraisal BEFORE they take the client out for viewings. This can be done with basic pre…

Alex Evans
When there’s nothing else to give – what do you give?
Here’s a scenario that’s repeated every week, if not every day, in every office across the land. It will certainly sound familiar…. You’ve been round to value a potential client’s home. Your agency and others. It went well and you established a great rapport. You feel confident. The next day, My & Mrs Vendor have…

Alex Evans
Call For Question’s for The Housing Minister.
On 14th October , we will be hosting the Housing Minister Brandon Lewis for a short keynote and Q & A from the audience. This will take place during the FUTURE : Property Tech conference in Central London. In preparation for the event we are working with our Media Partners, Estate Agents Networking to compile a…

Surveyors fly high with First Person View Goggles.
As a specialist in the field of aerial photography, and working solely with surveying and inspection companies, Kensson Aerial Imaging is pioneering the use of First Person View goggle technology to literally take their clients into the sky. Surveyors have to think on their feet. To effectively manage their time a professional may only get…

Alex Evans
The VW Scandal and why it Matters to Estate Agents.
Well folks it’s been a pretty interesting week. Our internet crashed like the VW stock price and I had a day of being stuck in the wifi wilderness. It was strange. Lonely. Disconcerting. I even had to speak with some people over the phone. Joking aside but keeping it topical it appears that VW have…

Jerry Lyons
The Property Ombudsman scheme launch brand new website.
After months of hard work and dedication, The Property Ombudsman (TPO) scheme is delighted to announce the launch of their brand new website, designed with a fresh new look and user-friendly navigation, and now featuring live feeds through social media. The new website provides existing members with a much easier platform to find information about…

Christopher Walkey