Home and Living
Before and after party cleaning tips
Hosting a party for your friends is great! However, the clear up isn’t. Clearing up is usually the last thing on your mind with a hangover. BEFORE EVENT CLEANING Start clean. Not only will your lovely, sparkling home impress guests, but it will make your life a lot easier when it comes to cleaning up…
Alex Evans
Indulge yourself in Wallpaper.
I am sure that the mention of wallpaper when it comes to decorating our properties will make many think back to our older family members we had 1970 80 or even 90’s who had heavily patterned or loudly flowered designs or maybe even the dreaded wood chipped. Don’t tell me you had flock wallpaper too…
Christopher Walkey
The excitement of owning your first home is hard to compete with. You’re finally on the property ladder, free from renting, landlords and house sharing. As you look round your new purchase thinking about new wallpaper, kitchens and flooring you should also be considering how do I make this home smarter. Follow our helpful tips…
Alex Evans
Top Tips in the event of a weather related Property claim.
Top Tips in the Event of a claim relating to weather from your Primecover Team and BIBA • Notify your insurance provider; at the earliest opportunity, call your insurance broker or insurer to tell them of the damage. If your Insurance Broker Office is closed you will be able to find the claims number for…
Alex Evans
Easy Home Staging For Quick Sell: Giving it a look that buyers can’t overlook.
“If first impression is last impression, home staging cannot be taken casually. It’s first and most probably a last way to show off its irresistible beauty with some creative ways of home dressing to make it sold out quickly at expected price.” Are you looking ahead to put your home on sale but unable to…
Alex Evans
Things to think about when renovating a property.
If you are thinking about renovating a property, there are many things to consider. If it is a property which you are looking to live in, you might focus more on the interior design and creating your dream home. If you are thinking about renting it out, you might want to make it look good…
Alex Evans
Are you in the moving mindset?
Have you ever tried to lose weight? I know lot’s of my friends have. Many of them started with diet fads in their 20’s. We are now all approaching our 40’s and most of us have failed miserably. Sure we lose a few pounds, however ultimately most of us pile it back on. And so…
Alex Evans
As winter looms ever closer, many face a difficult decision about selling their home. In years gone by, before property videos and online marketing dominated our lives, selling in the winter was an absolute last resort! Nowadays, buyers, or shall we say ‘serious buyers’ will not think twice about going online and viewing as many…
Alex Evans
“Housing Crisis”
The “Housing Crisis” is now that bad that The Prime Minister has made it clear that “heads will roll” if there is a failure to get more homes built and reverse the decline in home ownership over the next few years.” Isabel Hardman reportedly says in an article in The Times, “Some ministers have been…
Allen Walkey
Property Price Tracking.
Get the highest price for my property!! When you come to sell what is most likely your largest asset, you want to make certain that you get the absolute highest price. So, it would make sense to put it on for the highest price? Wrong. If we put a property on the market with an asking price of…
Alex Evans
Wear – What is the definition of wear and tear?
So you’ve spent hours / months / maybe even years getting your property fit for rental, but now you’re worrying about wear and tear; ‘how do I decipher what is reasonable and what isn’t?’ The law currently defines fair wear and tear as “reasonable use of the premises by the tenant and the ordinary operation…
Alex Evans
Should I stay or should I go? The brutal truth about your counter offer.
With a shortage of talented candidates on the jobs market and a reluctance from employers to go through the looooong process of recruiting, it is commonplace for businesses to present resigning staff with a counter offer. “What are they giving you? We’ll match it!” is a fairly predictable response from a panicked line manager. For…
Alex Evans