
Estate Agents – Advising on Communication Skills.


The formal communication that you have with your customers is a vital part of what you do. As an estate agent you may not think that much of your communication with clients is either form do or written but the parts that are firm an important part of your relationship. The amount of time that…



Alex Evans

Is your agency unique?


Every business has something that sets them apart from their competition; it’s the reason why people come to you over your competitors. It might be the level of service you provide, you might be more community focused, you might even be revolutionising the industry with entirely new ways of serving your clients. No matter what…



Alex Evans

Why local advertising still matters in digital age.


Although digital has become omnipresent with more and more businesses focusing on online and social advertising, there is still a strong business case for local advertising channels. This is especially true for small-to-medium sized businesses based in a specific locality or region. In small communities, it’s easier to show your business and get people interested…



Alex Evans

What Do You Do With Your 168 Hours

What Do You Do With Your 168 Hours?


We each of us have a brand new 168 hours every week to spend as we see fit. How do you spend yours? Getting the most out of your 168 hours takes discipline in a distracted world. To be a really exceptional estate agent, you have to put in the hours on marketing. To thrive…



Sam Ashdown

What’s in a brand? Elements that make up a modern brand identity.


For years there have been reports of the death of the high street, with the internet widely considered the digital manifestation of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. But retailers and high street businesses who have learnt to adapt and evolve with changing trends have been able to maintain their footing and compete with their…



Alex Evans

How’s your diary

How’s your diary?


How to prioritise the tasks that will bring you the results you want. Has anyone seen my weekend? I’m sure it was right here, and now it’s gone….. Time flies when you’re enjoying yourself, (I am, in my business). Before you know it, it’ll be next week; next month; next year. And all those brave…



Sam Ashdown

Read how Permission Marketing can change the profile of who you market to.


I’ve just finished reading a book called Permission Marketing by Seth Godin and it’s been very interesting. Like The Cluetrain Manifesto I found it more useful in conveying a feeling than actually giving me direct thoughts on practical changes to make to my marketing ideas, but there are still some idea that have come out of it.The…



Alex Evans

Augmented Reality is what you need…


With the property market in a bit of an upswing agents, portals and industry suppliers should really start experimenting with advanced technologies so that they can provide potential buyers with an innovative experience while they are searching for new homes. Now we aren’t talking about apps, websites or digital displays here, something that really has the…



Alex Evans

Not your father’s marketing

Not your father’s marketing


Over half a million people work in estate agency in the UK, probably three times the number employed in the industry when I was a child. Transactions, however, have not trebled in the same timespan. Which means one thing: HUGE competition for instructions. Where your predecessors could rely on word of mouth and goodwill to…



Sam Ashdown

You have more influence than you think.


As an Estate agent, you have a lot of influence over the buying decisions of your customers. Don’t underestimate the power of your recommendations, especially when it comes to your customers choosing a conveyancer. Conveyancers are all too aware of this as well. For those firms hungry for success, this is an area they will…



Alex Evans

Top 5 Reasons Why Signage Still Matters.


There seems to have been a seismic shift in recent years for companies to migrate everything ‘on brand’ online. However signage for high street stores, showrooms and businesses is thriving in both the corporate and property market. Having good branding is what you stand behind day in day out, wherever that may be. Here are…



Alex Evans

Estate Agent Marketing needs a new approach

Estate Agent Marketing needs a new approach


My unique take on estate agent marketing in the 21st century. Before you dig into this post, you might like to know I’m running a free training session on this topic on Tuesday 1st September at 11am. Book your place here >> Book your diary solid When I look at agent marketing – both property marketing, and…



Sam Ashdown

Estate Agents use of Social Media.


This starts as a test of how accurately you read the title. Which is a lot of what this article is about. Attention to detail. This isn’t an article about how, you as an estate agent, should be using social media. This is an article highlighting how you use it and probably why you you…



How Estate Agents can gain more from Social Media.


Confidently, only a couple of years ago, most people would agree that you’d never be able to sell a property on social media, but as we are seeing time and time again, the power of social media is helping more and more estate agents to get the results they are looking for. Yes, a house…



Christopher Walkey

Are your clients a good fit

Are your clients a good fit?


Good fit clients can give you a healthier bottom line and happier workforce. Find out how…. Whilst my ‘day job’ is coaching estate agents and property professionals, I also run – a consultancy service for vendors who can’t sell their homes. Let me tell you about our typical client: Pat and Vince live in a rural…



Sam Ashdown