Google Analytics for Estate Agents: How should you be using it?
Why should you be using Google Analytics? GA is one of the most important tools that you can use to measure the performance of your website. Google collect huge amounts of data about your site everyday. Anything from number of website visits to bounce rate to goal completion, you name it, they collect it. The…

Alex Evans
Estate Agency leaflets through doors – Ideas to make them work better.
Living in Colchester, one where there are quite a few chimney pots and many thirsty estate agencies, old and new, we do get to see our fair share of leaflets come through the door seeing if we are at all tempted to sell our property… So, do leaflets really work these days? I would say…

Christopher Walkey
Claim your stake in the £200 billion student property market
Years ago, student housing was a mix of halls of residence and run-down houses of multiple occupancy (HMO). Student living was derided as a questionable rite of passage and the subject of more than one grotty sitcom. Yet, you’d have to be slunked at the bottom of a bed in an aforementioned HMO like a…

Alex Evans
… when winning the instruction is everything!
If there’s ever a greater truism in the property world, it is that agents are never entirely happy with their stock levels! There’s always room for more valuations, more instructions. It’s especially true in these lean times, when for many agents, stock levels are low and market appraisals are thin on the ground. Like many, you…

Alex Evans
Part 1: Agents, this is why you need an editorial calendar.
Have you ever stared at a blank word document ready to create a blog post and thought: “What am I going to write about?” Looking back, I can honestly say that I’ve done and thought the same thing – and I’m sure we’ve all been there at some point. This was before I started using…

Alex Evans
Why so many estate agency websites are missing a trick!
When I decided almost a year ago to develop a new website, looking back now I cannot believe how out of touch I was between what I thought made an interesting website and what clients actually wanted! And that still seems to be the case with a lot of estate agents own websites today! Many…

Alex Evans
Since 2012 Google have been making noises that they are going to change their algorithm to make it more ‘mobile’ friendly. Essentially this means that anyone that doesn’t have a website that is responsive will be punished under the updates that Google is going to role. Google believe, and rightly so, that many consumers now…

Alex Evans
We all know how difficult it can be to stand out from the crowd, especially in such a saturated market such as the property market. So what options are available to help achieve this? Website update – A popular option – One that doesn’t eat into your pocket too much and does have a positive…

Alex Evans
The Importance of Email List Building For Estate Agents.
Any internet marketing “Guru” will tell you that “The Money Is In The List!”. What they mean by this, is that if you are doing any sort of sales online then you should be growing your email list. So how is this relevant to you as an Estate Agent? Well, as I’m sure you are…

Alex Evans
Boost Sales with Better Listing Descriptions.
Are some of your listings not getting the attention from buyers you think they deserve? You might find that some simple adjustments to your property descriptions could make a world of difference! The point of a description is to invite prospective buyers and therefore should be engaging and showcase a property’s best features in a…