Cross Keys Homes to invest £350,000 in to revamp of Peterborough housing complex
Tyesdale in Bretton, a complex that includes a block of flats, community centre and sheltered housing, will be given a face-lift thanks to a £350,ooo investment by Cross Keys Homes along with a further £100,000 to be put in by Peterborough City Council. The project is hoped to provide temporary accommodation for the local homeless in Peterbororugh.
Claire Higgins, chief executive of Cross Keys Homes, was reported as saying: “This is a really exciting long-term project to breathe new life into a neglected part of the city. We know that conditions in the area were far from ideal, and anti-social behaviour and criminal activity has been an increasing blight on the lives of the local residents. We are determined to do all we can to address this and ensure that the residents of Tyesdale and visitors to the community centre feel safe and confident in their community.”
Full news report can be read on the Peterborough Today website.