Future of Housing Associations
The Communities and Local Government (CLG) Committee is to investigate the viability and sustainability of the Housing Associations, the inquiry will have a particular focus on the proposed extension of the right to buy and how this, and a number of other recently announced government measures, may impact on the ability of housing associations to build and develop.
Clive Betts MP, Chair of the Communities and Local Government Committee, reportedly said: “Providing people with a roof over their heads, and ensuring more homes are built, are central to our nation’s future.
“Uncertainty around the extension of the right to buy scheme, and issues arising from the impact of welfare reforms and from changes announced in the Budget, raise real questions about the future sustainability of housing associations.
“Our inquiry will examine the effect on housing associations, and particularly their ability to house their tenants and invest in building new homes, of government policies, including the extension of right to buy and the reduction in rental income announced in the Budget.”