Growing your Twitter Audience without spending a penny.

As social media takes over so much of our everyday lives the importance of our presence on them becomes increases and especially so for businesses. Twitter is one of the busiest social media channels for business today as it’s an easy to use and highly effective place to share news, advice and information out to a very large audience.

A question that I commonly get asked is ‘how do you get so many followers on Twitter‘? I say that though there are many quick solutions to building your numbers, such as buying fake followers, the only real way to increase your following and build target following is to give your audiences something they want and on a regular basis.

The following points will help you to master your Twitter following and start to build you numbers. I would advice not to be too focused on numbers though and focus on quality numbers instead, but nonetheless, the more target followers you have then the bigger reach you will have for your content. (Assuming you have a Twitter account and understand the basics of using this social media channel):

Tweet daily. The more active you are then the more likely that followers will engage with you, try and set in your mind that Twitter should be a habit, a past time, something you carry with you on your mobile phone, alerts set up when you get messages / comments etc.

Share content. What you share on Twitter will generally be what attracts new followers to you. If you set in your mind to release daily useful, engaging, educational or entertaining content then you will be in the eye of other users, especially those searching for tweets containing topics which you tweet about.

Be active. The above points will show others that your account will is live / alive, but if you can also be active by engaging with other followers then this will get you noticed. Think about retweeting other people’s content, following new accounts and commenting on other people’s tweets.

Pay attention to others. If you really want to take seriously your Twitter account and growing your community, then you need to study and pay attention to others around you. Get to know the accounts which interact with you most, the ones who retweet you or tag you in to posts, the ones who say good morning of offer a #FridayFollow. Use lists to segregate people so you follow the releases of those you wish to know more about and those you wish to engage more with. Where in the world are your followers, when is the best time to engage, are they at work, are they younger generation or older, do they follow hashtags / trends / other accounts. Do you know who your most influential followers are?

Connect to your other social media accounts. Look to connect your Twitter to your other social media accounts such as Instagram / Vine. Make sure that any content you put online is also shared on Twitter by way of images / links / videos / livevideo etc.

Networking outside of Twitter. Remember to display that fact that you are on Twitter on every piece of marketing you work on, place the Twitter icon (link it to your account) on your emails, on your website, on your business cards, on your videos on Youtube, on blogs you write etc.

Stay ahead of the game. Things change in social media so very quickly, make sure you keep ahead of things by researching updates. Not only look at what is new, but study what other Twitter users are doing, maybe there is a trend going on that you could partake in, there could be something to give you an idea to adopt in your marketing.

Verify your Twitter account. Some of the accounts I have are now verified by Twitter and that leads to me getting many questions on how to get verified! What I would advise here is that though there are guidelines from Twitter on what you need to be and be doing to merit being verified by them, it isn’t a given that they will honour you with that all important blue tick. If you can show Twitter that you are an authority in your industry (I am assuming that most readers of this blog will not be celebrities or internationally recognised brands so blue ticks are harder to come by) and that it is of importance that your current followers and future followers need to know that it is indeed you that they are following, then they will consider verifying your account. The form to submit to Twitter to verify your account can be found here: Verify your Twitter Account.

Christopher Walkey

Founder of Estate Agent Networking. Internationally invited speaker on how to build online target audiences using Social Media. Writes about UK property prices, housing, politics and affordable homes.

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