Help To Buy – Is it just an excuse to inflate house prices?
There are snippets of good news for those hunting for their first home, those trying to get on to the property ladder, people after a home and not so much an investment. Prices of property are starting to fall in many places in England and especially in and around London, adjusting to the climate, slowing down what was for many years now a constant upwards trend. Many home owners will not feel the pinch at all in that they have probably seen around a double in value of their property during the recent decade or so… Some of course will not even look at house prices as where they live is in fact their home too (though many people have remortgaged and released equity and will be keeping an eye on the value of their homes of course).
Help to buy sounds great doesn’t it? A system that can help those that need it most to get on to the housing ladder. Is it though open to abuse and is it just a way for those who already have the money to make even more of it?
An article in the Daily Mail online states what many people are thinking, the system is being taken advantage of ‘Help To Buy new-build homes were being priced 15 per cent higher‘.