Home owners – Should you really fear a vote for the Labour Party?
Headline article on The Sun website highlights Labour’s potential attack on home owners should they get in to power. Now of course we now are all very familiar that our media and many others globally are all about politics and many will report purely on stories that will push their agendas and in most cases this will be hard left from the likes of The Guardian, BBC, Channel 4, Daily Mirror among other biased outlets. An interesting article on this subject can be read on the YouGov website here.

Labour will improve house price affordability?
Now The Sun sits more on the right side of politics so again we must assume some kind of hidden agenda, though their recent article as regarding Labour being the party who will spell doom and gloom for property owners with the likes of garden taxes and recently, as also shared by Phillip Hammond on his Twitter feed, taxation of homeowners on the increase in the value of their houses is carved out to reduce popularity of Jeremy Corbyn’s party?
Though does Labour have a point? If we reverse the headline to Labour wanting to tackle house price affordability then this will lead many interested voters in to reading more and seeing the positives – Increasing house prices across the UK for many are what enables them to take holidays, lease their four-by-fours and live a comfortable life whereas many will be stuck in rented accommodation and seeing house price affordability diminish for them day by day. What many people want is a reduction in house prices nationally which will not effect genuine home owners, allow people to enter the property ladder and only effect greedy landlords / investors / and many, many MP’s.
Surely this thought process from Labour should applauded and also be adopted though only applying to those with second / third / forth homes etc and thus we try and get this country away from being a nation which thinks that property in merely a way to make money and bring back the value of a property being a home and a place to live and enjoy our lives? Higher taxation on those who own multiple property, capped rental prices and scrapping stamp duty on primary property purchases – In turn garden tax and tax on house price increases to only apply once again to ones second home along with a higher stamp duty rate. Surely a wise move?
PS, no I am not a Labour voter (at present!).