How To Boost Foot Fall if You’re on The High Street

I  thought it would be a excellent idea to explain why using advertorials can help  drive foot Fall into your local branches and ultimately generate huge amounts of new enquires. ( Especially  when there are so many  online agents)

In this example, I will use my forensic marketing eyes to dissect key elements of the advertorial created by just think marketing agency for Thirwells estate agents, based in the North East.

Please follow along and make notes .

Here’s why this advertorial worked like magic: (in my humble opinion)

1   Simple To The Point Headline

Any good copywriter will tell you the most important thing that sells newspapers and magazines are headlines. If the headline does not grab you by the eyeballs and get your attention, you’re not going to stop and read that particular article.

So this simple SEVEN word headline:   “Smart  idea to drive home house sales “   hits the target for two reasons: One, it piques curiosity  by using the words “smart idea”.

Here’s why; our psyche is hard wired to the word smart, eg. smart guy/smart kid /smart car/smart phone.Secondly,  it  selects the target  audience;  home owners who  are looking  to sell their  homes.

The advertorial taps into the psyche again, flying under the subconscious radar by using the copy “driving sales” which could be interpreted  to mean; negotiate a great deal, or drive my house sale through quickly .

2   The  Novelty Hook

The novelty angle of the message is a great hook using the themed collectible smart car with a great photograph within     the article.

3  Clever Brand Extension

The SMART car can now become an extension of the brand if the agency so desires; very much like the meerkat mascot   in the Compare The Market ads.

4   Staying top of mind In the local community

They have turned the simple business card which is usually tucked away in a draw, into a collectible promotional gift that will be featured prominently in the home or office. (staying top of mind)

5   Strong calls to action

The call to action is very prominent and very instructional, telling the reader what  to do next  to claim their free promotional  car by visiting the local office. There is really nothing better than having the undivided  attention of potential  new clients inside your office domain, that is where you can demonstrate your expertise and get them  onto your database to uncover future requirements.

6  The Face  Of  the  Agency ( brand)

Another important takeaway is putting a face to the brand. If you mention Virgin, you think of  Sir Richard Branson. With Wendy Clarke, the co owner being featured in the advertorial, it makes the ad more personal in having a face associated to the brand.

7 Power lead surge

Can you imagine 5000 people coming through the office door in a short time frame? 5000 people being community ambassadors. What if that advertorial  converted  between 1%  to 3% into new business? That would be 50 to 150 new listings. You do  the maths; what’s the average house price in your area? What’s your average fee? With the surge of additional foot flow, it will lead to more market appraisals, valuations and instructions.

I know that many of your will have done the odd advertorial or press release and that’s fine, you may have had varying degrees of success. If you want to generate 1000s of pounds in sale fees, you have to add the killer direct response offer which is what made the Thirwells Marketing piece a runaway success in my opinion.

Would you like 5000 people coming through the office door? 5000 people will have been community ambassadors. Wow, if you converted between 1%, that would equal 50 new valuations, 2 % conversion is 100, 3% conversion is 150. Not too shabby.

I say ..No more boring block ads.

if You’ve not yet  grabbed a copy of the Postcode Manifesto do it  now, you will discover more  neat  direct  mail tips that  boost your returns on mailings flyers and newspaper advertising.

Alex Evans

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