January Price Paid Data from HM Land Registry

This month’s Price Paid Data includes details of more than 99,000 sales of land and property in England and Wales that HM Land Registry received for registration in January 2019.

In the dataset you can find the date of sale for each property, its full address and sale price, its category (residential or commercial) and type (detached, semi-detached, terraced, flat or maisonette and other), whether it is new build or not and whether it is freehold or leasehold.

The number of sales received for registration by property type and month

Property type January 2019 December 2018 November 2018
Detached 22,677 20,320 23,931
Semi-detached 25,330 23,512 26,797
Terraced 25,483 23,890 26,758
Flat/maisonette 19,328 15,573 19,158
Other 6,554 5,490 6,059
Total 99,372 88,785 102,703

Of the 99,372 sales received for registration in January 2019:

  • 73, 938 were freehold, a 13.8% decrease on January 2018; and
  • 17,446 were newly built, a 4.6% increase on January 2018.

There is a time difference between the sale of a property and its registration at HM Land Registry.


Of the 99, 372 sales received for registration, 24,531 took place in January 2019 of which:


  • 480 were of residential properties in England and Wales for £1 million and over;
  • 282 were of residential properties in Greater London for £1 million and over;
  • 4 were of residential properties in West Midlands for more than £1 million;
  • 3 were of residential properties in Greater Manchester for more than £1 million; and
  • There were no residential properties in Cardiff for more than £1 million.

The most expensive residential sale taking place in January 2019 was of a terraced property in Kensington and Chelsea for £12,650,000. The cheapest residential sale in January 2019 was of a terraced property in Spennymoor, County Durham for £17,000.

The most expensive commercial sale taking place in January 2019 was in Camden for £32,000,000.  The cheapest commercial sale in January 2019 was in Bristol for £100.

Access the full dataset

HM Land Registery

News stories direct from HM Land Registry.

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