
We are extremely proud of the leaderboards we produce for the UK Property Industry and many people love receiving the results each week. We also get many questions about our leaderboards so hopefully below are answers to the most common ones we get:

How are your leaderboards calculated?

They take your Klout scoring weekly and rank you accordingly.

Does it cost to join #EAUK200 or #EAUK500?

No, it is totally free to join either.

How do I join the leaderboards?

Simply send us an email with your request and Twitter ID to info@estateagentnetworking.com

Why do you do the leaderboards?

We love social media and we know the joy our leaderboards bring the industry and how it helps us to build a strong and friendly community and following.

How do we sponsor a leaderboard and what do we get from doing so?

Go to our advertise page on our website to see our prices. You will get a banner on the top of the relevant leaderboard league page and also will be part of every tweet going out with the weekly results.

I have been left out of this weeks leaderboard or I think there has been an error as I should be higher.

From time to time the leaderboards does make mistakes and for no reason at all it will miss out people from the leaderboard or not accumulate all the data required and may rank you lower than you should be. We apologise in advance for when this does happen and please do check next weeks results where this should be remedied – If not then please email us and report the error – We do want everyone to enjoy the leaderboards!

Do you change the scores yourself or rank your friends higher than others?

No. The software does allow us to change scores if we wanted to, but our scores are completely natural and take your ranking from Klout and positions you accordingly. We simply go in once a week and perform the necessary to release the new leaderboard with no input from ourselves whatsoever!

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