Top 10 Do’s & Don’ts of successfully marketing your properties.

Now I’m not going to teach Grandma to suck eggs, nor Granddad to do the Jive, but sometimes we get so wrapped up in doing what we do, that we occasionally forget the basics. So, make yourself a brew, grab a couple of biscuits and see what you could do to improve your business.


  1. Target your Audience Appropriately
    Don’t go sending a mass email to 1000 contacts about a nice flat available in a retirement complex when only 100 of your contacts are over the age of 50. Irrelevant content is one of the main reasons people unsubscribe from mailing lists.
  2. Use Multiple Platforms
    Print/radio/TV/online advertising, leaflet drops, direct mail, email campaigns, social media (especially Facebook & Twitter), dynamic window displays, interactive displays etc. – the more people who see/hear your brand and message, the more chance of making a sale!
  3. Have a Clear Call to Action (CTA)
    Make it easy to understand and don’t have too many – if you want them to contact you, provide your contact details, if you want to get them to enter an online competition, only publicise the competition page URL.
  4. Include your phone number in your CTA
    If you want customers to contact you, encourage them to call! Selling to someone is easier over the phone than it is through email as you can pitch appropriately based on discussions.
  5. Avoid Deception
    This one is pretty obvious, but it is important to clearly state what the offer is.
  6. Build Joint Ventures & Partnerships with other Businesses
    Companies that provide useful related services to your clients (local businesses, schools, press, local council, local MP etc.) will enrich your offering to customers and help you reach more people with joint promotion and (hopefully!) online social media discussion.
  7. Thank Your Customers for Their Business
    A simple “Good Luck in Your New Home” card, a box of chocolates or a simple email thanking them for their business – it is all word of mouth marketing gold.
  8. Take Attractive Photos of Your Properties
    No one wants to live in a pit (other than Shrek!), but even the less attractive properties can be appealing if they are shown in their best light! No need to be David Bailey – just make sure your thumb is out of the way and that dog walker has cleaned up after their pooch!
  9. Open Houses
    More of an “American” thing, but people like a freebie and won’t feel under so much pressure if others are looking around at the same time. It also gives people something to look forward to and offer them an incentive (as well as increasing the chances of an offer there and then for fear of losing out!).
  10. Offer Virtual Tours on your Website & In-Store
    The most valuable thing in 21st Century Britain is Time. We don’t have enough of it! We are also spending more and more of our time online, so why not offer prospective customers the chance to save time by having a virtual tour of a property online! If they like what they see, they will be sure to book a proper viewing and you know that they are a serious lead as they’ve already seen it!


  1. Don’t Take Photos of Dark Cluttered Rooms
    Pretty obvious, but it will make the room look smaller (not “cosy”!) and less appealing.
  2. Don’t Just Include a Basic Property Description
    Would you enquire about a new car without knowing more than the fact it has 5 doors, 4 wheels and is a manual? Or would you prefer to know it’s MPG, Fuel-Type, Engine Size, colour, make, model and if it has Bluetooth etc.? Be sure to include the property’s key Unique Selling Points (USPs) to attract the right customers so you know the leads that come in are worth more than time spent describing the property only to be turned down (or worse still – they don’t call!).
  3. Don’t Reject New Property Marketing Ideas
    We’re all a little apprehensive about change, but just because it’s new, it doesn’t mean it’s rubbish. Explore every opportunity available to you possible, carry out some market research and test it in a small capacity to see if it’s something that might work.
  4. Don’t Make Unsubstantiated Claims.
    Using creative adjectives are good, but let’s not make a 1 bedroom flat seem like a mansion if it’s not.
  5. Don’t Ignore Prospects Questions or Engagement
    No one likes to be ignored. Respond to people as quickly as you can – have a “Thanks for your enquiry” template in your email to use when you’re really busy, promising that you’ll get back to them ASAP so they at least know you’ve received their enquiry.
  6. Don’t Enter a Room in Front of the Viewer
    Simple physics: If there are more people, there’s less space! Let them enter the room first and experience the room without obstruction.
  7. Don’t upload just one photo
    Just like eBay and Dating sites, people don’t trust anything with just one photo…
  8. Don’t just use traditional marketing methods
    Be creative and try to reach out to new markets, social media is a great way to engage with and build relationships with potential customers and partner businesses – it’s also a great way to get your corporate personality known and let people get to know you!
  9. Don’t include animals or pets in photos
    My Mother would disagree as she thinks houses will sell better if there’s a cat in the photo, but many people don’t like animals (or at least the notion of the carpets smelling of dog!), so best steer clear if possible.
  10. Don’t restrict access to information
    The more information the better, floor plans, room sizes and photos will mean that it you do get a viewing, chances are they’re very ‘Hot’ prospects. Although if your primary goal is to increase your marketing database, you may want to add a “sign-up” box to access some of the more detailed information – but be warned… this can deter prospects and they may end up going on another Agents’ site!

I hope you found this post useful and entertaining. What would be your Top Do’s & Don’ts for marketing your properties?

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