Why Wogan’s Wonderful Way with Words Can Help Your Estate Agency.

what is happening to house prices

Unless you’ve been having a long weekend on the Dark side of the Moon you’ll have heard Sir Terry Wogan has died.

He was a master broadcaster, presenter par excellence and by all accounts a lovely bloke.

Sir Terry was always on the telly or radio in our house when I was growing up.

My dad, a fellow Irishman, was particularly proud of him. Because as Dad often put it “Wogan shows that us Paddies are among the most articulate, lyrical people on God’s green earth.”

Particularly powerful at a time when the stereotype of ‘thick Paddies’ was still rife.

Ah Sir Terry showed them alright. And my estate agency amigo he left you and I with a few lessons on the art of communicating and building rapport with our audience.

He had a gift for making everyone feel special and included. How did he do it? By always imagining he was speaking directly to one person and not the millions of listeners and viewers who regularly tuned in to him.

He made people feel at ease. Despite his bigger than Texas vocabulary he knew to choose words and phrases that his audience would understand and relate to.

If Sir Terry had been an estate agent I can’t imagine he’d use jargon like ‘vendor suited’ or ‘double aspect.’ Do you?

He didn’t need to show off. He was the best presenter. His ratings showed it. So when an agent says ‘we’re the best in town’, do they have the stats to back it up?

He was mischievous and didn’t take himself seriously.

Now I’m not saying go and play knock down ginger on doors in your patch but a little cheeky, self deprecating charm in your PR and marketing is often very well received by potential vendors.

But the biggest lesson from the wonders of Wogan is really simple.

Remember my first point, whenever you are communicating with your audience always imagine you are speaking directly to each of them, individually, one on one.

Whether it’s via your blogs, newsletters or any other communications you use.

If you do this my friend you’ll build ________ and _______ just like Sir Terry did.

I’ve left that up to you to fill in the Blankety Blanks.

Thanks for reading and here’s to your next instruction.


PS: If you haven’t seen it already watch Sir Terry’s reactions to a tongue tied Swedish Eurovision presenter. It’s very funny.

Alex Evans

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