Breaking News

Solutions to the housing crisis


The Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) has today released a briefing whereby it identifies causes of Housing crisis and suggests solutions. The Institute headlines the briefing “Political leadership needed to solve housing crisis” This briefing explains how we have come to have such an extreme housing crisis and suggests how best the government can rectify…



Allen Walkey

Considering Property Investment? Now Is The Time, Says Mallorca’s Foremost Property Guru


With house prices steadily rising and an encouraging investment climate, Mallorca’s foremost property guru believes now is the perfect take for would-be investors to take the plunge into the holiday property market. Dominic Lechner, CEO of Mallorca Properties, believes the combination of rising house prices, growing investor confidence and demand from overseas buyers has turned…



Alex Evans

Homebuyers save hundreds of millions from stamp duty reform


A  government announcement published at the beggining of this week states that  over 780,000 homebuyers saved an estimated £657 million on Stamp Duty Land Tax (SDLT) in the year since the tax was reformed. Transactions levels at the top end of the market remained constant under the new regime and stamp duty receipts from homes…



Allen Walkey

Various factors weighing on housing market activity


Interest rates are expected to remain at their record lows until 2019, according to recent forecasts, the Governor of the Bank of England, Mark Carney, was recently reported as saying “an unforgiving global environment was likely to keep rates at a record low of 0.5pc for longer than previously expected”. With the average mortgage loan-to-income…



Allen Walkey

Shelter & Quod take a look at London homes and brownfield site situation.


A recent analysis of London’s land shows that the majority of brownfield land is already being used for housing. A report carried out by Quod (Planning consultancy), viewable here, shows how the City of London is looking with brownfield plots and the distribution of this across housing, hospitals, schools, transportation etc. “Single solutions such as…



Christopher Walkey

New estate agents open in London every other day.


Statistics published by the online estate agent show that a new estate agent opens somewhere in the capital every 1.6 days, Ealing Broadway and Turnham Green are west London’s hot spots, there are 17 property vendors within a quarter of a mile of each station, more than anywhere in London except Walthamstow, Borough and…



Allen Walkey

New office for Fine and Country in East End of London


Estate Agent Fine and Country with offices in over 300 locations worldwide officially opens a new office in the East End of London on Thursday, March 3, this London office will add to their three existing one’s in Mayfair, Fulham and Sydenham. Along with a thriving jobs market in the area the urban regeneration of…



Allen Walkey

Effect of Brexit on Brits living in or moving to Europe


If Britain decides to do a Brexit they  will have to form a set of new trading and institutional relationships with Europe, the concerns for many is what the uncertainty surrounding such changes  may do to not only the UK but the wider community and how long these changes might take to negotiate. The Economist…



Allen Walkey

Mixed performance for Countrywide.


Yesterday saw the release of Countrywide PLC preliminary statement of annual results for the year ended 31 December 2015. They reported a mixed performance in line with expectations with momentum building in 2016. Some of the highlights are below. To see the statement in full click here. Market beating performance from financial services and surveying…



Allen Walkey

Zoopla Property Group trading statement


Zoopla Property Group Plc  the digital media and lead generation platform that owns and operates some of the UK’s leading online consumer brands including Zoopla, uSwitch and PrimeLocation announced yesterday a trading update for the period 1 October 2015 to 31 January 2016, to read the trading statement in full click here Highlights from the…



Allen Walkey

Property sales slide says Hometrack


According to data released today by Hometrack,  the number of house sales over the past 12 months across the top 12 cities in the UK fell by 2%, London saw a 7% drop in transactions for the year to January,  Cambridge experienced the biggest drop in sales, down 20% year-on-year. Hometrack’s UK Cities index shows house…



Allen Walkey

Portuguese property price predictions.


The latest RICS Ci Portuguese Housing Market Survey predicts house prices to rise at a steady pace in the future, the housing market has enjoyed steady growth in both sales and values in the 2015. It was reported that estate agents saw a modest rise in transactions during January this year, however sales among developers…



Allen Walkey

Google showcases #raterAgent stars


Google now features raterAgent’s ‘star ratings’ on its search results. Confirming that it will only show what it considers structurally ‘valid’ star ratings, the international search giant, Google, has allocated visible stars to raterAgent’s branch listings less than a year after the review site’s formal launch. “We’re delighted that Google has seen fit to acknowledge…



Christopher Walkey

Significant rise in Mortgage approvals in January


According to a news release out yesterday from the BBA, it mentions a significant rise in mortgage borrowing at the start of this year, the BBA is the UK’s leading association for the banking sector. The figures in the release showed. The number of mortgage approvals in January was 33% higher than a year ago,…



Allen Walkey

Londoner’s require big pay rise to buy a house


The National Housing Federation’s (NHF) Home truths report released on tueday reveals that the average London home now costs approx £526,000, that is approx 16 times the average Londoner’s salary of £33,000 a year, this means Londoners would require a 266% pay rise to buy a home in the capital. The research highlighted that low supply…



Allen Walkey