Estate Agent Talk

small house bird box

Would the First Time Sellers….. Please stand up!


Move over first time buyers, you’ve had the lime light for far too long… now its the “First Time Sellers” turn! With ample tips and tricks for first time buyers, even seminars and free (yes, thats not a typo… FREE) advice workshops available, first time sellers do not have the same prelividges as first time buyers,…



Alex Evans

A conveyancer is a conveyancer is a conveyancer – aren’t they all the same?


Understandably choosing the right Estate Agent for you to sell with is paramount, or, if buying, the agents you choose to ‘stalk’ and build relationships with, as well as the property portals you choose to wake up with and drop off to sleep with, are essential!  Choosing a lawyer to handle your conveyancing is however often…



Alex Evans

You got to be in it to win it!


Have you entered the Estate Agent Networking Social Media Awards 2016 yet? Are you considering it but asking the perfectly sensible question – What’s in it for me and mine? Well let me have a go at answering that mi amigo. Now there are loads of ways to publicise your estate agency. There are the…



Japanese Knotweed – Yes, No or Knot Known – The Big Question.


Anyone buying or selling a house will come across a TA6 Property Information form. The 3rd edition of this Law Society document must be completed by anyone selling a property; at 16 pages long with 14 sections to fill in, it can be an onerous task.  The seller is obliged to answer a long list…



Alex Evans

Estate Agent Networking London – Where the Industry Professionals meet.


Following the rapid success of Estate Agent Networking online, we want to take the concept of bringing Estate Agents and Industry Service Providers closer together with regular social events in London. In association with Anastasia Fox-Cavendish, founder of Orsopolis, we invite Estate / Letting Agents and Industry Service Providers to attend our relaxed evening of networking with a…



Christopher Walkey

How To Grab The Attention Of Property Owners Online.


Many estate agents will probably feel there was something unique about them and their business, which if their competitors’ clients knew about, will cause them to leave the competition and hire them. How could you go about ethically stealing your competitors’ clients ? Or ensure more of them are aware of your strengths? Many of…



Alex Evans

A Simple Guide to Buying New Property


Time to move house, and you already have a few select options, but, deciding on which one to go with will be a tough one. When you are looking into what kind of property to buy, you should take a few things into account. First and foremost, set your budget, because you do not want…



Alex Evans

Estate agents – Are you innocent or Guilty?


I read a cracking book recently. It’s from the smoothie and healthy food company innocent. They don’t cap up their name – they’re different like that. In fact they are different in many ways as the book – innocent, our story & some things we’ve learned highlights frequently. Unless you live in a remote Andes…



Conveyancing Solicitors – 3 Golden Rules!


With over 14 years in the property sector, I have nearly seen it all and come across a wide variety of situations, however there will always be scenarios which continue to surprise! A regular one of these tends to revolve around conveyancing solicitors – or rather the lack of one being instructed. An estate agent…



Alex Evans

Bury a statue to sell a house?


Now one thing for sure, in most locations and in most occasions, home owners are in very little need of help to sell their property. Even just recently, as first reported on the Telegraph website, you can sell a property these day even if it is run down and a flea pit. Are we really…



Christopher Walkey

Areas of the country at risk if Interest Rates Rise.


Interest rate rises, well we have been speaking about this now for years or what now seems decades and we are yet to see them as the government knows the real risk to the country as a whole when they do in fact have to raise them. Locations across the country do vary in regards…



Christopher Walkey

Update on Estate Agent Networking – 67,000 + and growing…


When you go about things in a completely different way, when you build something new, when you haven’t a rule book to refer to, then sometimes your progress will go unnoticed and when you start getting results, you will be referred to as the dark horse. Now, not quite sure we are at the dark horse…



Christopher Walkey

New recommendations for those who rate Estate Agents:


Of recent times, the review space in the UK Estate/ Letting Agency industry has heated up somewhat especially with the launch of raterAgent led by Malcolm McCallion impacting on the industry monopoly that AllAgents appeared to have. More and more are entering this field now, I was recently contacted by Feefo who’s approach is different…



Christopher Walkey

2 Bedroom Middlesbrough or 2 Bedroom Dagenham.


There has always been a North and South divide and this is of course not just in terms of football… House prices have also been very wide apart, though with increasing prices in London this is surely at a level which was never the case before? Of course, if we compare a detached residential property…



Christopher Walkey

How can you make someone else fall in love with your home?


There’s an old saying.  Home is where the heart is.  I agree, it really is. It’s the place of safety and comfort.  It’s the place you share with your family, your children, your pets.  Memories are made.  Tears are wiped away.  Laughter is shared.  Your home is part of who you are. I ’ve even…



Alex Evans