Council to buy homes outside of borough
The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea has created a £10 million fund to buy up homes for temporary accommodation in cheaper parts of the country, it has indicated that the money will be used to purchase a significant number of high quality homes in and around London, M25 area and southern counties of England.
The council reportedly said it is looking to purchase privately owned properties to a maximum value of £450,000 which would include 2 and 3 bedroom homes, this is expected to happen from the autumn onwards, with the first household moving in during March 2016.
Council leader Nick Paget-Brown reportedly said: “The reality is we are facing a great shortage of properties in which to house those in greatest need, the pool available to us in the private sector is falling, with the number of homeless households on our list rising, we believe purchasing our own stock is the right strategy to not only increase supply but contain costs.”