Why you should be a journalist’s flexible friend…

Everyone would like to get their company, its products or services into a wide range of publications and the best way to achieve this is to be as flexible and open as possible to the needs of the media, whether it is in print, online or broadcast.

Whilst it is obviously important to remember who your target audience are and to ensure that you’re speaking to them, wherever possible in media relations, it is key to try not to pigeon-hole yourself. When spreading the message of your property company and products or services, it is important to consider what the appetite in the media currently is. And this is where a good PR agency comes in, one that will have their finger on the pulse of what is topical and trending in the press.

Naturally, we would all like to steer the media in what they’re talking about (and a good PR person occasionally can), but it is essential to remember that publications, and in turn the journalists themselves, will have their own agenda and topics that they want to cover – and you need to make sure that you’re a part of that!

The best way to do this, working with a PR pro, is to think outside the box and be prepared to provide comment and details that may relate to the wider market place or subjects of current, topical interest. Sometimes this will relate to an area that your company is not so specifically prevalent in but you should not shy away from this. Don’t be afraid to offer an opinion and let your voice be heard!

Not only will this mean that you are likely to gain a greater amount of media coverage, in a wider range of outlets, but it will also strengthen your position as a voice of authority in the industry. This can only be a good thing for adding value to your brand and positioning your company in a place of trust in the market.

Charlotte Ashton, Managing Director of leading property PR agency, AB Property Marketing, explains the importance of this,

“Whilst it is always important to narrow down your brand values, key customer base and what you stand for before starting on the PR journey, it is also key to not approach it in a blinkered way. Instead, learn to be flexible to a journalist’s needs and you will soon find that you are getting far more exposure than you would have done if you had remained shut off to slightly left-field opportunities. Be open-minded and confident in what you can offer the media and you will soon see the benefits.”

Commenting on issues that are slightly outside of your usual sphere may seem at first glance to be working against the brand message, but providing your product isn’t tied specifically to a certain audience (for example retirement properties) then this does not have to be the case. For example, you may be offering investment properties, aimed primarily at the buy-to-let market, but make sure you’re also talking to your normal buyer on the street. This is especially the case when in some respects all properties purchased in a growing market could be considered an investment anyhow!

Although this may feel initially outside of your comfort zone, your public relations manager will make sure that your brand and company values are never sacrificed. They will achieve this by always providing the correct context and a constant strapline to describe what your company stands for and does when having conversations with journalists.

So now is the time to start limbering up – aim to become a flexible friend to the media, help wherever possible with comment and opinion and you will soon become one of the prominent voices in the industry.

By AB Property Marketing.

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