Warning for ‘Rogue Landlords’ at Conservative Party Conference

The Home Secretary, Amber Rudd, announced yesterday at the Conservative Party Conference, that from December,  landlords  who knowingly rent out their property  to illegal immigrants will be committing a criminal offence, and that they could go to prison for doing so. Addressing conference she  unveiled a wide-ranging clamp-down on migrants coming to the UK, she…

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“Be Prepared” for “Right-to-Rent”

Under one month to go before the new law comes into force that will mean landlords must carry out status checks on tenants, Right-to-Rent regulations will be intoduced on the 1st February as a control on those who do not have the right of abode (illegal immigrants) Landlords will be required to carry out quick…

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A passport check at the “doorstep”.

It may appear a bit OTT to have to show a passport  to obtain accommodation but that is what may happen if the immigration bill becomes law after it is debated tomorrow 13th October,  it would make letting to illegal immigrants a criminal offence. The aim of the bill is to put better controls in…

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Landlords to face jail who rent to illegals.

Illegal immigrants are the focus of a new governemnt crackdown shortly to be included in a forthcoming  Immigration Bill, landlords who fail to evict migrants who do not have the right to live in Britain could be jailed for up to five years. Stronger powers will be given to Landlords who will be able to…

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