Definately not Labour

in or out politics

Today,  I am posting why I personally would not be voting Labour tomorrow, it is a view with one eye on the negative effects it could have on the property industry and the other on a few points in general that others may not be aware of. It is not only myself that feels that…

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House builders shares drop

Some of the biggest names in UK housebuilding took a hit Monday on the stockmarket as Labour’s plans to impose tighter rules on landlords emerged. This drop in housebuilding stocks comes as no surprise, we already have the Labour party threatening a Mansion Tax and the abolishion of Non Dom Staus, now rent caps and…

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Lib-Dems “Mansion Tax” proposal

Nick Clegg unveiled his proposals yesterday regarding how the mansion tax bands would be applied, he confirmed the Lib Dems had scaled back the policy and it would now raise only £1 billion – far less than the £1.7 billion initially proposed. It was reported that in the details of the Lib-Dem proposals, properties worth…

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