Home and Living

How to ensure our noisy neighbours remain just that!


Estate Agency is no stranger to coming under the microscope from all quarters! The media fan the flames and the consumers jump on the bandwagon! I can’t say I entirely blame them! Estate Agency has been its own worst enemy for years, with its image of gelled hair, slick suited wide boy salesmen with a…



Alex Evans

Creative Ideas for House Extensions to Add Value to Your Home


Providing a few changes in your home’s appearance can enhance your quality of life. But if you’re intending to sell your property, you want to find ways to add value to it. House extension is a great way to make your home look better and more attractive to potential buyers. It can be a costly…



Alex Evans

How to stage a kitchen to sell.


In the world of real estate, it’s commonly believed that kitchens sell homes. Here are 5 tips from the Home Whisperers on how to add the WOW factor when presenting a kitchen. Kitchen staged to sell, plinth and under-cabinet lights on, shiny appliances, clean worktops1) Clear away EVERYTHING from worktops. You can leave a nice shiny kettle…



Alex Evans

10 Benefits of a Smart Home. Can it help to improve asking prices?


Owning a smart home in today’s modern world could seem like a distant dream, and many people may consider that they don’t live the lifestyle to have a Smart Home. I often hear phrases such as “Maybe one day I could afford one”,  “I don’t actually need one, but I can see the benefits” and…



Alex Evans

Buying real estate is the ultimate in consumerism


I’m a big believer in looking at macroeconomic trends. For example: there will be more mobile computers (smartphones) than PCs sold. Mobile phones are also more ‘convenient’ as they are always on our person and generally more simple to use. Another macroeconomic trend is the printing of funny money. Pioneered by the US, much of…



Alex Evans

Will I ever be able to afford my own home?


The difficulty of buying a home for first time buyers has been all over the news lately, most recently this article by Ros Renshaw, and this article over on theguardian.com. I must admit, I’d resigned myself to the fact at quite a young age that I probably wouldn’t be able to buy my own house…



Alex Evans