
Your Complete Facebook Ads Blueprint in 3 Simple Steps


My unique formula to get your Facebook Ads bringing you leads and instructions on auto-pilot. Quick note – it’s worth reading last week’s post – Facebook Ads for Estate Agents  – before you read this one, as it walks you through the basics of setting up your Facebook Ads properly, so you can then move…



Sam Ashdown

Your Estate Agency Website should have it’s own News Channel


There is no doubt that an estate agency’s website prime reason for existing is to provide house buyers a place to find property for sale and to rent and to be able to make easy contact with that said estate agency. Other than that, the more content the site holds then the better especially if…



Christopher Walkey

Online versus offline marketing – what works and how


How estate and letting agents could get better results with less spend using smarter marketing methods. What marketing are you doing? Canvassing? Touting? Newspaper ads?   Is any of it working? Each week, I have around 10 calls with independent estate agents (book yours here) to assess their marketing spend and the results they get. …



Sam Ashdown

Don’t Assume They Know You do it for Free


Never assume. Don’t blindly think the doctor always knows best. Or the solicitor knows the law inside and out. Or heaven forbid that ‘clever’ politicians know what they’re doing and have a plan for our future. A recent experience has taught me to never assume homeowners or landlords know that 99.9999999 per cent of estate…



Alex Evans

What’s Your Audience Worth?


Why your audience is your most valuable asset, and how to look after it I posted this picture on Twitter the other evening. It opened up a bit of a debate. Some agents insisted that it works for them, generating enquiries and viewings.  Others, including Julian O’Dell, estate agent and fellow trainer agreed with me:…



Sam Ashdown

What do you do?


What do you say, when someone asks you “What do you do?” Do you reply, “I’m an estate agent”? Or perhaps you say, “I work for Downtons”? Or even, “I help people move ”? Perhaps what you say isn’t as important as how you feel when you reply.  I’ve heard agents pre-empt any cruel barbs with comments…



Sam Ashdown

Why Estate Agents Need a Pacemaker


Do you ever watch the London Marathon or the Great North Run? I do, with a mixture of awe and guilt. Awe that so many people had taken on such a momentous challenge, of their own free will, and guilt, that I was enjoying the event from my sofa, while many people less fit than…



Sam Ashdown

Can your Twitter following determine your future business success?


I do it myself so I am sure many others are doing it also and I guarantee that many more will follow suit – I judge a company’s size by the amount of followers they have on Twitter and I would also consider a company not trading if it hadn’t tweeted in the last six months….



Christopher Walkey

Now is the time to become The Influencer


It would be amiss to ignore what has been happening over this last week. What is certain is the wealth of uncertainty with what is to follow. I am not here to argue about the pros and cons of what we may or may not face, I will leave that to social media and the…



Are you an Estate Agent or a Marketer?


An estate agent friend of mine asked me the other day, “Sam, give me a better term for a grade II listed cottage than ‘Superb kerb appeal’, please?!” I offered a few adjectives, like ‘fairytale’, ‘captivating’ and ‘a slice of English history’, and he eventually settled on “Oozing charm and character”, which is pretty good…



Sam Ashdown

How warm is your vendor?


When a prospective vendor picks up the phone and books a valuation with you, you probably have a 33% chance of winning the instruction. Why? Because they are very likely to book a valuation appointment with two of your competitors, sometimes even on the same day. (How often have you arrived as one was leaving,…



Sam Ashdown

Only a dozy estate agent would ignore this


If you are reading this I’ve two things to say. Firstly an apology – The subject line wasn’t aimed at you. You’re obviously not stupid. Secondly – There’s a method in my rudeness – The same subject line was used by me two years ago and the email open rates went through the roof. It…



Jerry Lyons

The Add £100k Challenge – are you in?


Even a small subscriber list, if you nurture and manage it effectively, can produce an income most agents can only dream of. And as you’ll see in just a second, if you follow my model, you’ll also be doing less work. Less work…. more money? Nice….. This is a lonnnngggg blogpost. At a reading speed…



Sam Ashdown

Facebook Ads for Estate Agents


How advertising on Facebook can give you unlimited new enquiries. The why, what and how of advertising on Facebook as an estate or letting agent, to generate new enquiries and valuation opportunities. I speak to some of the very best estate and letting agents in the UK. I know this, because you have to be…



Sam Ashdown

A little tip to keep you busy during the summer holidays


With the holiday season approaching, it’s that time of year when new instructions to the market sometimes tend to dry up a little bit. So what should you be doing during this time? In my opinion, the holiday season is a great time to be speaking to any stock which is already on the market…



Alex Evans