Top Industry Website Developers answer Big Questions:
We asked some top industry suppliers: What are your thoughts to the general standard of today’s Estate Agency websites? and much more… Oliver Chapple from Webdadi – Answers in Black Adam Clack from Technicweb – Answers in Red Rus Sellers from – Answers in Green Nick Hubbard from Estates IT – Answers in Blue What…

Christopher Walkey
What they think of you
When people ask you, “What do you do?”, what do you say? Do you say, “I’m an estate agent”? and if so, how do you say it? With an embarrassed laugh, or with confidence and pride? Do you make a joke? Or do you then go on to tell that person with passion and pride about what…

Sam Ashdown
Open All Hours? Or are you closed at Christmas?
We’re all looking forward to a well-earned break over Christmas and New Year, but while we relish the downtime with family and friends, for many of us running our own businesses there is a nagging voice in the back of our heads. “What will I miss? What happens if my competitors are open while I’m closed…

Alex Evans
How to build your Estate Agency’s audience with Periscope.
I sympathise with all businesses trying to keep on top of marketing trends as it is a constant struggle and unless you have a full time marketing manager, knowing what to spend your valuable time investigating and investing money into is becoming harder and harder as the choice grows. What is a positive though is…

Christopher Walkey
Your Agency Website: Can you do it yourself?
There’s a hell of a lot to take into consideration when you build a website for your business. Do you go down the template route? Should you get in a professional? Can you manage the project on your own? Especially for a digital novice, it might be a little overwhelming! Never fear though, I’m here…

Alex Evans
Finish the year strong, start the New Year STRONGER!
Are you doing what it takes to finish this year strong and start the New Year even stronger? As we all know, inbound business activity seems to slow down during the festive season. This can tempt some of us to take our foot of the pedal and relax a bit. This is a big mistake and…

Alex Evans
Estate Agent sacks Mother-In-Law for Poor Marketing Results:
That’s certainly a dangerous thing to do, but more importantly, how/why on earth would the estate agent have ever employed their mother-in-law in the first place (if we go by the usual stories and jokes we hear about mother-in-laws)? I wonder why father-in-laws never get the bad press? Anyway, I am sure many of us…

Christopher Walkey
Using the Power of PR to Promote your Estate Agency:
What’s your definition of PR applied to the estate agency industry? PR is such a broad subject. It can encompass everything from blogging to newsletters to dealing with the local press, building links with local charities and a lot more in between. There are some really pretentious and nonsensical definitions of PR out there but…

Christopher Walkey
How to Turn Your Ideas Into Profit
We don’t have an information problem: we have an implementation problem. Here’s how to implement for success. Are you the kind of person who loves coming up with brilliant new ideas, but loses interest when it comes to implementation? If so, join the club. Estate agents – and especially owners, aka entrepreneurs, are typically creative,…

Sam Ashdown
Why Explainer Videos Will Transform Your Estate Agency.
As recent first time buyers my wife and I have spent many hours looking at estate agency websites and visiting local offices over the last six months. Being relatively unfamiliar with the whole house buying process and working in the online marketing industry I’ve been surprised to see a distinct lack of variation and creativity…

Alex Evans
How forward thinking Fury can help your agency in 2016.
Just like George Osborne’s Stamp Duty bombshell Tyson Fury’s victory against Wladimir Klitschko on Saturday caught the majority of observers and ‘experts’ totally by surprise. Let’s put the Government’s ongoing crusade against landlords to one side and look at how Fury, the man mountain from Manchester, stunned the world of boxing and at the same…

Alex Evans
Dealing with the Social Savvy Seller – my Top Seven Tips
Here are my top seven tips for dealing with social savvy vendors and making sure they choose you to market their property. I was in a local café the other day for a meeting. We ordered food, and my crabcakes were frankly, awful. After two exchanges with the staff, I returned it, mostly uneaten, explaining…

Sam Ashdown
The Secret to Estate Agent SEO….
The secret to SEO is that there is no secret. It’s all common sense. Agencies and brands that rank well on search engines have engaging and interesting content, address the search intent of their target audience and invest time and money on optimising the site from a tech perspective. Here are 8 idiot proof points that…

Alex Evans
How blogging can bring you new clients for free
How blogging can help you to generate new enquiries from motivated sellers and landlords, for free. Once upon a time, a young man from Virginia had a dream. Marcus Sheridan, a tall and very energetic college football player had big ambitions; he wanted to be an entrepreneur; specifically, a rich entrepreneur. After spending a couple…

Sam Ashdown