Selling without Selling
How you can win the instruction without being pushy. Estate agents are supposed to be natural-born salespeople. After all, we have the gift of the gab, and an answer to everything, right? But not every agent is comfortable with selling. Some find it challenging and unnatural. When it comes to the ‘pitch’, they trip over…

Sam Ashdown
Why you should write a blog (even if no one reads it).
If you’re reading this blog, you’re part of the growing audiance I’ve collected over the years! The more I write the more I see the the numbers rise and it’s a great feeling. But, it wasn’t always this way… When I started blogging no one was listening, like a crazy man yelling his musings into…

Alex Evans
What is a Google Local Page and How Can I Use it to My Advantage?
In this article we’ll examine the advantages of having your agency listed as a local page on Google. In many ways, Google can be your agency’s best friend. Providing you regularly update content and effectively manage your keywords, it will reward your site with higher rankings and greater visibility. What’s more, Google is now able…

Alex Evans
Three of my BEST marketing secrets, just for you
Eleven years ago, I founded my consultancy business, HomeTruths. I had the crazy idea that homeowners needed independent help in selling their properties, and that I was the expert who could do just that. I hired a web developer and spent months getting my website just right, packed with pages proclaiming my expertise and knowledge. …

Sam Ashdown
How video can benefit your online presence.
This one’s for everyone who wasn’t able to make it along to #PropTech15 this month! We gave a presentation similar to the one we gave at VIDEA15, but this time with more time to fill, we could really build on the points and give a demonstration of how video helps your online presence. Over this…

The Three Steps to Success
Discover how to get your phone ringing with the right kinds of vendors so you can charge the fee you deserve. Most of you who read my blog and get my Supertips have a good conversion rate, once you get in front of the vendor. Anything higher than 33%, and you are bucking the statistics….

Sam Ashdown
The Best Vendors are Actually Your Previous Purchasers
Why your previous purchasers could be your best source of instructions. A friend of mine – Helen – has recently moved house. It was a fraught time. She was on the phone to me a lot (naturally), complaining about her buyer and her agent. They were both dragging their heels, apparently, causing her unnecessary grief…

Sam Ashdown
Morning Meetings – Time for Change?
Estate agent morning meetings are a staple of most offices, but could your meeting be costing you money? On a chilly morning a couple of weeks ago, I drove up to Penrith to attend a Rightmove seminar, along with around 50 local agents. These seminars are always really interesting, and I generally come away with…

Sam Ashdown
‘It’s About Telling Rather than Selling’ Estate Agency Blogs.
Blogging is just one part of the PR and digital marketing mix your estate agency needs to be remarkable and to win the instructions battle. But it’s a powerful one. In this article we show you how blogs can help your agency stand out from your rivals. Blogging isn’t a craze. It isn’t something a…

How do you get those WOW images?
You’ve just been instructed on a terrific property. The signed Agreement is tucked lovingly in your folder as you speed back to the office to be congratulated by the whole team on bringing in the highest priced property so far this year. The vendor is keen to get his home on the market so you…

Sam Ashdown
CTA’s – What are they and why are they so important for your website?
So you have designed a beautiful site and it has just gone live but it isn’t getting you any business or anywhere near as much as you thought. If you are getting the right amount of traffic to your site but not converting those people that come onto your site then it is probably because…

Alex Evans
Calling All Responders
Why everything you think you know about canvassing may be wrong, and how a simple mindset shift can change everything. When you send a homeowner a canvassing letter, does it look a bit like this? Dear Homeowner Are you thinking of selling your home? If so, we at Brilliant Estate Agents Ltd are delighted to…

Sam Ashdown