
Using Video To Humanise Your Agency


Facebook recently announced that users will be able to replace their profile picture with something a little more engaging: video. All social-media users have at one point seen a picture of themselves and immediately thought “that’s my new profile picture” and if a picture is worth thousand words, then video is worth a million –…



Alex Evans

The Best Vendors are Actually Your Previous Purchasers

The Best Vendors are Actually Your Previous Purchasers


Why your previous purchasers could be your best source of instructions. A friend of mine – Helen – has recently moved house.  It was a fraught time.  She was on the phone to me a lot (naturally), complaining about her buyer and her agent. They were both dragging their heels, apparently, causing her unnecessary grief…



Sam Ashdown

Morning Meetings – Time for Change

Morning Meetings – Time for Change?


Estate agent morning meetings are a staple of most offices, but could your meeting be costing you money? On a chilly morning a couple of weeks ago, I drove up to Penrith to attend a Rightmove seminar, along with around 50 local agents. These seminars are always really interesting, and I generally come away with…



Sam Ashdown

‘It’s About Telling Rather than Selling’ Estate Agency Blogs.


Blogging is just one part of the PR and digital marketing mix your estate agency needs to be remarkable and to win the instructions battle. But it’s a powerful one. In this article we show you how blogs can help your agency stand out from your rivals. Blogging isn’t a craze. It isn’t something a…



How do you get those WOW images

How do you get those WOW images?


You’ve just been instructed on a terrific property.  The signed Agreement is tucked lovingly in your folder as you speed back to the office to be congratulated by the whole team on bringing in the highest priced property so far this year. The vendor is keen to get his home on the market so you…



Sam Ashdown

CTA’s – What are they and why are they so important for your website?


So you have designed a beautiful site and it has just gone live but it isn’t getting you any business or anywhere near as much as you thought. If you are getting the right amount of traffic to your site but not converting those people that come onto your site then it is probably because…



Alex Evans

Calling All Responders

Calling All Responders


Why everything you think you know about canvassing may be wrong, and how a simple mindset shift can change everything. When you send a homeowner a canvassing letter, does it look a bit like this? Dear Homeowner  Are you thinking of selling your home? If so, we at Brilliant Estate Agents Ltd are delighted to…



Sam Ashdown

Are all followers, fans and friends created equal?


The closer the relationship the better right? Well not entirely, rather it could be your weaker connections where the greatest gains may lie. Read on to find out how weak ties can help harness the power of your undiscovered network. Since Mark Granovetter’s 1973 paper, “The Strengths of Weak Ties” many people have been aware…



Alex Evans

Is Instagram beneficial for your Estate Agency?


Consumers are mostly visually driven, but you’ll be hard pressed to find a target market in need of high quality imagery as much as those in the property industry. Those looking to buy or rent properties will often make their decision to view based on the pictures provided, meaning low quality imagery will generally mean low…



Alex Evans

7 Ways to keep your Vendors Happy

7 Ways to keep your Vendors Happy


We all want to keep our vendors from wandering off to another agent down the street, but sometimes we forget how.  Here are some quick tips to help you keep your vendor loyal, and very happy! Keep your promises – do what you say you will, when you say you will, and that’s all most…



Sam Ashdown

It’s Property Porn for some people…


I have many times been caught out doing it, drifting from one on to the other, becoming more and more indulged and pushing my temptation higher and higher… Those good old ‘Property Photos‘. For many people, they will admit to spending time gazing through images of property for sale, many times way out of their spending…



Christopher Walkey

Longer evenings ahead, more time for people to spend online.


The evenings are getting longer and as the weather starts to really act like Autumn, people will have more time at home and spending what for many is one of their most popular past times (though many may not know it), looking at content online. So, just how prepared are you for this potential increased…



Christopher Walkey

47% Increase in Property Search Queries on Mobile Devices.


Recent research by Google has revealed that the number of property search queries being performed on mobile devices increased by 47% in the first quarter of 2015, reports Dorset-based digital marketing agency Bespoke 4 Business. And with 33% of Britons opting for smartphones as the device of choice in 2014, ahead of 30% who preferred…



Alex Evans

Do you deserve to be called out?


Do you ever drive to work in the morning or on your way to an appt, see a rival agent’s board and wonder why on earth you weren’t ‘called out to value that one’? It’s in your patch and you’ve sold other properties around the place. You even did a mailshot there recently, so why did…



Alex Evans

Why You Need a Marketing Funnel image

Why You Need a Marketing Funnel


NB: Read to the bottom for an offer you can’t refuse…… Your marketing acts like a funnel, or should do. The idea is, you put prospective clients – vendors and landlords – in the top, and sales – revenue; money in the bank – tumbles out the bottom. By its very nature, a funnel is…



Sam Ashdown