
Social media: 5 questions you should be asking yourself.


Social media plays a big part in our lives today, and this is no exception when it comes to letting agents and property management companies. These social channels have turned communication on its head and revolutionised how agents interact with, and advertise to, their audiences. But are you doing it right? Is it working for…



Alex Evans

Three Keys To Grow Your Agency’s Revenue.


Through my work at Fixflo I get to speak with letting agency directors across the UK every month. Although their local markets vary, the common thread wherever I go is the need for more stock. With feedback and insights from directors of letting agencies large and small, I’ve put together this simple three-stage plan to…



Alex Evans

Is your diary running your business?  


Has anyone seen my weekend? I’m sure it was right here, and now it’s gone. And when I come to think of it, I haven’t seen last month for a while either….. Time flies when you’re enjoying yourself, (I am, in my business). Before you know it, it’ll be next week; next month; next year….



Sam Ashdown

How Technology is Transforming Estate Agent’s Marketing.


There are some parts of marketing in this industry that have fantastically survived the test of time – canvassing and estate agency boards are a great example of traditional methods still going strong (at least for now). But the majority of tactics have evolved and improved as new technology hits the industry. These developments are…



Alex Evans

Your Social Media past can come back and haunt you?


We may not always realise it, but what is shared on social media is more than likely to stay on social media, sometimes even if we have deleted what we have shared. Many of us that will read this blog will probably be of an adult age where social media come along many years after…



Christopher Walkey

Take Great Property Photos Using your Smartphone.


Mobile phone camera technology has come along leaps and bounds over the past few years. The camera quality available in smartphones sold today is often equal to (and in some cases far better than) digital cameras being sold for the same price. That’s why many estate agents and homeowners are choosing to ditch their digital…



What does your Twitter following really say about you?


Firstly, Twitter is all about building a following and that I am sure many would agree. What’s important to note at this early stage of the conversation is that I refer to target following over simply numbers. I mean, if you are selling Bentley’s in your local City then you are far better off having…



EAN Content

How Agents Win At Social. Video:


The estate agencies making social media an integral part of their strategy are seeing huge returns. It’s all good and well being preached industry success stories, but it’s rare to hear from the horse’s mouth the story behind them. We recently interviewed Andy Overman of award-winning agency Chilterns Thetford to find out why they use social media…



The Perfect Valuation Visit – Sam’s Blueprint.


At HomeTruths, we – that is, my consultants and I – offer a free consultation to homeowners who are struggling to sell their property.  This is usually an hour-long visit, and over the last decade, we have collectively done hundreds of these consultations, honing them along the way, until they are the refined and polished…



Sam Ashdown

How To Convert 3 Times More House Hunters Online.


Converting potential buyers online is the science of delivering exactly what the customer needs. How can sellers deliver results that fit the buyer’s lifestyle? Personalising property searches is possible if sellers give their customers the option of searching for their perfect property using minutes not miles. It means that searching is not one-size-fits all. Using…



Selling property on social media – That’s just pink elephants!


“If you have been paying attention to how people communicate these days, you’ll no doubt recognise the important part that social media plays in how people connect with families and friends as well as new ways businesses attract new customers.” Just these important words will set lights flashing in the minds of many estate agents…



Christopher Walkey

Content Curation: How it wins instructions.


We have no time. We have no patience. There is an unfathomable amount of content online and we are subjected to thousands of catchy headlines each day. This huge amount of option leaves many people clueless on what to actually take notice of – more choice leads to less decisions. In 2000 psychologists ran an…



Alex Evans

Why UK agents are missing out with property in Spain.


UK estate agents can benefit from entering the overseas property market by offering Spanish homes for sale. Despite the global financial crisis Spain is still high on the agenda as place to move abroad for thousands of British buyers. The main thing that has now changed is that buyers have become realistic about the returns they…



Alex Evans

Are you brave enough to go digital?


Estate Agents today are continually competing with rival companies to get instructions and ultimately increase their profit margin. So what makes your Estate Agent better than the one next door? First impressions means a lot in business and being an Estate Agent is no different. If I were to look at two Estate Agents next…



Alex Evans

There’s Profit in Pizza image

There’s Profit in Pizza


Most days, I chat to an estate agent about their biggest challenges.  Up and down the country; single office or multi; their challenge is almost always the same: they aren’t getting through enough doors.  There’s nothing more frustrating than a board going up on your patch that you haven’t even been invited out to, is…



Sam Ashdown