Harder and harder to get foot on ladder.

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According to new research it could take new homebuyers up to 24 years just to save up for the deposit to buy a home of their own, getting that first foot on the property ladder is getting an  almost  impossibility. In an article in The Guardian it says,  The Resolution Foundation think tank has used…

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Right to buy boosts home ownership

According to a recent press release from the Department for Communities and Local Government and Brandon Lewis MP, Right to Buy is boosting home ownership across the country. Nearly 270,000 households have now been helped to purchase a home through government backed schemes including Right to Buy and Help to Buy since 2010. This has…

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Rise in numbers for affordable housebuilding.

what is happening to house prices

The latest figures from the Department of Communities and Local Government released yesterday show 66,640 new affordable homes were delivered in the last year, this is the highest increase in affordable housebuilding in 22 years. Numbers of new affordable and social rented homes up by nearly two-thirds in the last 12 months and over 270,000…

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Housing Associations until Friday to vote

Housing association tenants will be able to buy their homes under the Right to Buy scheme if a government deal is approved this Friday. Just last week at the National Housing  Federation’s Annual Conference, David Orr, the chief executive  sought the consent of  members to put forward a voluntary offer to the government on Right…

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Cheaper to buy rather than rent

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When it comes to deciding whether to rent or buy, figures  favour buying as the best option,  research shows that almost £700 a year in savings can be made   by the FTB, this figure however has narrowed as house prices have increased, a savings drop of 34% recorded over the last year. The biggest hurdle…

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Housing becomes a complex challenge

what is happening to house prices

The housing crisis in Britain is a massively complex challenge for the government who quite honestly appear to be finding it difficult to cope with, none of the proposals put forward so far offer any hope of improvement in the near future. Government plans to extend  the right-to-buy to housing association tenants is hitting an…

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UK House price growth

House prices are on the move up according to various reports, according to the  mortgage lender Halifax house prices rose more strongly than expected last month and now the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors’ (RICS) monthly house price balance rose to +21 in March. These reports supported by Bank of England data showing that last…

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