Tiny Margins – Massive Successes – What estate agents can learn from Team Sky.

Just over a week ago Chris Froome became the first British man to win the Tour de France (TDF) twice.

He endured endless mountains, some disgusting behaviour from rival fans and the most fiercely competitive TDF for decades.

As a recent convert to cycling I was delighted for him and Team Sky. I’ll hold my hands up, I’m a bandwagon jumper. I get attracted by success but subconsciously I think we all do to a degree.

But what Chris and Team Sky have done is a bloody extraordinary achievement.

Va Va Froome and his super supporting cast put themselves through the grinder both mentally and physically for three weeks in what is arguably the world’s toughest sporting event.

His winning margin? Just 74 seconds.

That means after over 81 hours of racing, the gap was less than 0.02% from the second place rider Nairo Quintana. That’s two ten thousands of a second. Absolutely miniscule, blink of an eye tiny.

But it’s those tiny differences that make the huge difference and what Team Sky boss Sir Dave Brailsford calls ‘marginal gains’. He has created an art form from this science of gaining a winning edge.

It’s the same in business and indeed in estate agency.

It’s an ultra competitive world and agents need every advantage possible to edge ahead and keep in front of the competition and win those vital instructions.

Team Sky look at absolutely every aspect of what they do from sleep patterns and infection control to sports psychology and even making sure riders beds are transported around France during the tour so they get a good night’s sleep.

They don’t cut corners, unless of course their descending at 40 MPH down a perilous mountain pass.

The smallest of details are drawn together to create le big picture.

In your agency what could be your marginal gains? Could it be writing a weekly blog to build rapport with potential clients? Or making sure your email signature and business cards gives customers a number of options to contact you?

Do you send thank you cards to vendors when their sale is complete? Do you give welcome packs to buyers when they move in?

Or even having a customer service charter / promise that leaves customers in no doubt that if they choose you they won’t regret it?

Are you the local media’s go to guy or girl in your area when it comes to commenting about property?

We’ve all heard of the phrase going the extra mile but in the case of marginal gains we’re talking about millimetres.

What makes you stand out from your rivals? What are you doing that means you’re agency stays ahead of the one next door?

I’m really interested in hearing what marginal gains agents are implementing into their businesses.

Here’s to your next instruction.

Please feel free to drop me a line. Jerry@propertyprexpert.co.uk

Alex Evans

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