Breaking News
Green Light for RTB extension to housing associations.
So the Governement has achieved what it set out to do in it’s pre election manifesto, with the Right-To-Buy (RTB) now to be extended to Housing Association tenants without the need to change or pass new laws, there will now be no battle in the House of Commons or for that matter the House of…

Allen Walkey
Housing policies and promises in PM conference speech.
Yesterday at the final day of the Conservative Party conference in Manchester, David Cameron the Prime Minister was welcomed onto the stage with rapturous applause from his party faithfulls and his team of Ministers including London Mayor Boris Johnson. The PM opened up by saying that the Conservatives are the “Party for working people, today,…

Allen Walkey
The Jewel in the Crown?
Will Canary Wharf become the Jewel in the Crown over the next few years when it comes to property investment in London? We have seen big rises in London over the last few years well above that of other parts of the UK, that however does not dampen the expectations of MyLondonHome CEO Christian Thomas….

Allen Walkey
Twitter launches Moments feature
Twitter launches Moments feature, for now it is only being rolled out in America but will be heading to Europe soon, Moments tab will be divided into sections including news, sports and entertainment. It works by grouping together interesting and important tweets on single subjects – which you can then read, even if you don’t…

Allen Walkey
Halifax HPI September
According to the Halifax House Price Index for September annual house price growth eases to 8.6%. Prices in the three months to September were 8.6% higher than in the same three months a year earlier. House prices in the latest three months (July-September) were 2.0% higher than in the preceding three months. Commenting, Martin Ellis,…

Allen Walkey
Housing included in George Osborne’s conference speech
George Osborne reaffirming the Conservative Policy on Housing reportedly told his supporters at their Party Conference in Manchester: “Building doesn’t come easy and especially when it comes to new homes and infrastructure that the country needs.” He reportedly went on to say: “We are going to get many more homes built for families to buy,…

Allen Walkey
Another record month of traffic at
Traffic levels at have risen again in another record breaking month. Throughout September, the website achieved 5.6million visits*, compared to 5.4million* in August. This traffic consisted of more than 2.7million unique visitors*, compared to 2.5million in August*. Last month was also a record month for the number of leads delivered to agents. Ian Springett, Chief…

Christopher Walkey
Heavy fines for landlords of HMO
A recent article in the Leamington Post highlights the fines that Landlords were handed out for not correctly managing their properties, the property in question was let as a house of multiple occupancy (HMO). Councils are cracking down hard on Landlords who let out HMO’s and do not conform to regulations or let the property…

Allen Walkey
Conservative Mayoral candidate for London chosen.
Zac Goldsmith has been chosen as the Conservative Mayoral candidate for London for which the election is due to take place next May, he was up against 3 other candidates MEP Syed Kamall, Stephen Greenhalgh, and Andrew Boff, he won by a comfortable margin, he will be facing Sadiq Khan recently elected candidate for the labour…

Allen Walkey
Lord Sugar critical of Jeremy Corbyn
Lord Sugar, speaking to the Evening Standard reportedly said he fears that Jeremy Corbyn the Labour Leader could severely damage London’s housing market if he ever gets into Downing Street. He was actually quoted as saying “He and his policies would be the thing that shuts the whole thing down and that if Corbyn were…

Allen Walkey
Rent stabilisation measures and London market
The Association of Residential Letting Agents (ARLA) has submitted written views to the London Assembly Housing Committee investigation into the impact that rent stabilisation measures would have on London’s housing market. ARLA has comprehensively replied to a total of 9 questions which can be seen by visiting their website: Commenting, David Cox, Managing Director…

Allen Walkey
Has letting property become a legal minefield
Today is an important day for both landlords and tenants, new pieces of legislation come into force for the protection of both, getting the message out to them is a task in itself, especially if we are talking about private landlords who run their business part time or live abroad and have no management agency…

Allen Walkey
The Property Ombudsman issues revised Codes of Practice.
The Property Ombudsman (TPO) scheme has today (1st October) issued amended and updated versions of all its Codes of Practice for UK and Scotland in order to support the introduction of new legislation that has come into force within the last 12 months. Christopher Hamer, the Property Ombudsman, says: “The decision was taken to carry…

Christopher Walkey
Tenants now better protected.
As from today 1st October tenants in England will have better protection against landlords who make their lives a misery or put their lives in danger. Where tenants make a legitimate complaint to their landlord about the property they live in will now be protected from any retaliatory action like being served an eviction notice…

Allen Walkey
FTB sales increase in August compared to May
The number of first-time buyer sales in August leapt by over a quarter compared to May, according to the latest First-Time Buyer Tracker from Your Move and Reeds Rains. August experienced 30,200 completed first-time buyer transactions, compared to 23,700 in May–the month of the General Election. This represents an increase of 27.4% on a three-month…

Allen Walkey