Estate Agent Talk
Save yourself over £400,000 in Estate Agency fees by going ‘On-line’?
Reading through the property headings on a Sunday evening you read all sorts, from interesting pieces to just plain stupid… And then you read something that you know will trigger some interest from both within the industry and consumers too. So, on-line estate agency still makes headlines and mostly with positive news stories, all sounds…

Christopher Walkey
Are the snowy peaks of the UK Property Price Hikes now peaking?
Reading latest editorials on-line and taking a walk around a familiar area of London that I once lived close to and visiting estate agents and their listings, are we now at the top of the dizzy heights on UK house prices? Money Week’s report on the 29th January 2016 refers us to five signs that…

Christopher Walkey
A career in property management – is it for you?
There are many different roles within the property sector aside from estate agency, one of which is property management. It might not be an area you’ve considered before, so let us help you find out whether a career in property management is for you. The job Property management covers a wide area and the role…

Alex Evans
Should home owners conduct viewings?
One of the most frequently asked questions I receive from home owners, is whether they should show prospective viewers around their home or should they let the estate agent do it? Afterall, as the owner they know the property intimately after the many years they have been there and can pass on all the details…

Alex Evans
Replica landmark homes.
Ever wanted to live in that famous landmark? Maybe an apartment at the top of the Eiffel Tower or a room at the White House… In fact, why not the whole White House as a home? You can now do so, well maybe you can if you are prepared to relocate to Dallas in Texas…

Christopher Walkey
House prices – Leaving a misery for a generation?
Lots of reports recently about the crazy hike in house prices over 20 years, ie a report from CityAM, what some would refer to as a an unbelievable increase in prices within just one generation. Looking back at homes I have lived in through the years and remembering what my parents paid and sold for, indeed…

Christopher Walkey
The Rise and Rise of BBQ Cabin Fever.
As the we wade through yet another freezing and soaking wet winter we must dream of long balmy summer evenings to keep our spirits up and our minds off the persistent deluge that so many of us have faced over the last months. The reality is that summer might not really give us the respite we dream…

Alex Evans
What the UK average house price gets you elsewhere.
As property prices continue it’s spiral to unaffordability here in the UK, other countries across the globe continue to surprise us with what would appear fair priced and dare we say it, cheap property – knock down prices in many cases when compared to the average house prices we have: UK £286,000 England £299,000 Wales…

Christopher Walkey
Part Exchange your home for a new home with @TaylorWimpey:
Part exchanging was something we’d do on household items or cars, but today that new house might just be round the corner for you if you qualify for a new build part exchange. Taylor Wimpey explains their system: Part Exchange your existing property for a brand new Taylor Wimpey home. Our Part Exchange scheme could…

London Estate Agents – Earning Half the Tea in China.
My fellow geniuses and I at eMoov have just finished a cool piece of research. It will shock you. And if you’re an estate agent of the dyed-in-the-wool variety, spare your blushes and look away now. We thought it would be informative, probably shocking and certainly controversial to analyse the amount that Londoners have spent on…

Alex Evans
What makes the perfect Estate Agent?
So, let us see what Wikipedia has to say re what an Estate Agents is: “An estate agent is a person or business that arranges the selling, renting or management of properties, and other buildings, in the United Kingdom and Ireland.” We also can now say that an estate agent could be both a traditional…

Christopher Walkey
Estate Agency Legals on Sole Agency & Multi Agency Agreements.
When it comes to buying a selling property in the UK nearly all of us will be using the services of an estate agency. The choice of estate agencies are immense from national chains to local independents, from traditional high street types to solely online agencies. An important thing to remember is that all these…

Christopher Walkey
Data-Driven Estate Agent Comparison.
The property industry is a British obsession. Major newspapers rarely go a week without a story promoting our combined lust for bricks and mortar. But in the middle of all this reporting of price rises and extreme property transactions are estate agents. One of the biggest threats to traditional estate agents is that anyone can…

Alex Evans
Business Development – It isn’t always about Big Budgets!
Estate Agency (Sales) is a ‘transactional business’ ie an agent wins the instruction, sells their clients property and the client moves on…one engagement and one transaction – there is no repeat buying of your services every week, every month or even every year. There will always be an exception whereby the same client asks you…

Alex Evans