Estate Agent Talk
The 50 Shades of Property
Like it or not, the world has become more clinical in its approach to life in general. It’s all about analysis and I have previously mentioned that too much data isn’t necessarily a good thing. The same applies to taking advice too literally, which can leave you unable to see the wood from the trees….
EAN Content
London House Prices Drag Down The Rest Of The UK
London House prices are affecting the house prices across the UK.
EAN Content
Who’s Your Pacemaker?
Do you ever watch the London Marathon or the Great North Run? I do, with a mixture of awe and guilt. Awe that so many people had taken on such a momentous challenge, of their own free will, and guilt, that I was enjoying the event from my sofa, while many people less fit than…
Sam Ashdown
The Negotiator Conference & Expo 2018 – Book your ticket today:
The Negotiator Conference & Expo is the UK’s premier event for estate and letting agents, taking place at the same venue on the same day as The Negotiator Awards. As well as an industry expo featuring over 50 key suppliers, it is a networking and educational event for the UK residential property industry, endorsed by…
EAN Content
I think it is fair to say, that it hasn’t been the best couple of weeks for the online budget agents. First there were the revelations and well documented problems with the second largest online agent EMoov, who are seemingly in financial distress and looking for a buyer. Only a few days before, the company’s…
Maurice Kilbride
What do estate agents say when asked “What do you do?”
What do you say, when someone asks you “What do you do?” Do you reply, “I’m an estate agent”? Or perhaps you say, “I work for Downtons”? Or even, “I help people move ”? Perhaps what you say isn’t as important as how you feel when you reply. I’ve heard agents pre-empt any cruel barbs…
Sam Ashdown
What are conveyancing fees?
How do I know if I’m paying too much for conveyancing fees? When we are buying or selling our home, one of our most pressing concerns is knowing whether we are paying the right amount for the legal and other fees associated with the house move. So how do we know if we are getting…
EAN Content
AGENTS CAN OVERCOME GDPR MARKETING RESTRICTIONS USING PROPERTYHEADS.COM, the property and social network portal, offers agents the opportunity to by-pass some GDPR marketing restrictions, enabling agents to engage with clients and prospects, without using email or telephone. This unique feature of portal and not offered by Rightmove, ZPG and OnTheMarket, allows agents’ communication on to take the form of posting content, engaging…
EAN Content
Should you sell your home before Brexit?
The departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union, popularly known as “Brexit”, is due to happen on March 29, 2019, regardless of any deal struck between the British government and Brussels over the future relationship between the two sides. Negotiations, albeit strained, aimed at an amicable split continue, but the possibility of a…
EAN Content
Data Is Not King
Our world seems to be increasingly driven by statistics and data harvesting. This information is being disseminated in ever more imaginative ways to theoretically enhance our knowledge and give greater insight into a specific sector. From graphs to percentage ratios, from analytical datasets to statistical predictions, our thirst for information is insatiable. No more is…
EAN Content
Local business reviews are becoming increasingly important for reputation management, with recent research showing 90% of consumers read online reviews before visiting a business and 72% say that positive reviews make them trust a local business more (*Source: Invesp, 2018). Reviews are very powerful as they can influence buying decisions and this is reflected in…
EAN Content
Only planning reform will fix the housing crisis
The Government should do more to promote best practice and diversify the housing market. The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) reports that in London, just one in three young adults is able to afford a home, compared to 90% in 1990. According to the IFS, house prices have jumped 173% since 1997, while adults pay…
EAN Content
Weekend news shows UK House Price Falls
“UK house prices post biggest fall since April as mortgage approval rates rise.” Alongside headlines such as ‘Average house prices cool‘ it has certainly been a few days of news to interest would be buyers and especially those outside owning their own property and likely to be sat in rented waiting for prices to fall….
EAN Content
Only planning policy reform can solve the housing crisis
The NFB welcomes the Labour Party’s proposal aiming to future proof the planning system, but would encourage them to commit themselves to tangible policy more quickly. Building Magazine has reported that the Labour Party will undertake a “root and branch rethink” of the planning system, aiming to give local people a say over what their…
EAN Content
Is the Number of Bedrooms Your House Has Decreasing Its Value?
When it comes to property values, there’s a lot of factors which come into play. However, one thing you may not realise could be impacting your houses value, is the number of bedrooms it possesses. The fewer the bedrooms the lower the value Buyers typically look for a house with at least 3 bedrooms. Obviously,…
EAN Content