Home and Living
Top 8 Types of Blinds That Are In Style 2022
The first quarter of 2022 is almost over, and this might be the best time to install those window blinds that you’ve been intending to do, since the beginning of the year. However, since there are various blinds in Essex, it might be frustrating to select the perfect fit. We’ve put together the trendiest blinds…

EAN Content
The Best Strategies To Use When Looking For A New Home
Whether you are in the market for a beautiful and updated home or something more traditional, it is important to know some great search tips to ensure that you can find your dream property. If you are in the market for a new home or considering moving in the future, here are the best strategies…

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Typical Grudges People have with their Property
Of course there are plenty of positives when it comes to property, it’s our safe haven / sanctuary, the well known location of ‘an English mans home is his castle‘ and for many it’s where we spend most of our lifestyle from relaxing to entertaining, bringing up our families to enjoying retirement – Where on…

Christopher Walkey
4 Benefits of Decorating Your Home with Tile Flooring
When you’re in the process of remodelling or redecorating rooms in your property, it can be challenging to sort through all the options available to you to find the best pick. Flooring can be a decision that divides most people between wood, stone, linoleum, and decorative tiles; it can be no easy feat to determine…

EAN Content
Budget-Friendly Ways To Redesign Your Interior Space
Redesigning and renovating your home’s interior are great projects every homeowner should consider undertaking occasionally. Such projects give your home a new look, add to your comfort, and increase its selling value. However, a major reason why many homeowners put off these beneficial projects is the issue of cost. Redesigning and renovating can bring about…

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The Importance of Maintaining The Carpets in Your Home And Business
Most European and North American homes have carpets largely due to the weather and the insulation they provide. Good quality carpets can be quite expensive to buy and install, so regular cleaning and maintenance are very important. Every household contains a hoover or something similar to clean the carpets, but if your home or business…

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Top Things that go Missing at Home
If we take out items that might have been theft and we leave out any ghostly paranormal activities, we are very much prone to losing the odd item or tow at home. Apparently, in the USA the most common item that goes missing at home is the television remote control whereas us in England it…

Christopher Walkey
Top 7 Tips To Help You Build The Perfect Movie Room In Your House
Who doesn’t love movies? We all do; that is why we love spending our free time as a movie night with our family or loved ones. Especially due to the global coronavirus pandemic, the idea of watching a movie in theatres is not that great an idea. Then what about a movie room? It’s great…

EAN Content
How To Set Your Moving Company Apart From The Competition
If you’re like most business owners, you’re always looking for ways to set your company apart from the competition. It can be tough to succeed in today’s market, but with the right approach, you can make your moving company stand out from the rest. This blog post will discuss some of the best ways to…

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What Are Manual Control Window Accessories and their Benefits?
Manual control windows are among the most popular furnishings in many households. They are also cost-efficient, thanks to the batteries that power them. You can also open and close them if the controls lose power since there are mechanisms to allow you to pull the windows by themselves. But while the windows themselves provide a…

EAN Content
Sustainable / Eco Friendly Ideas for your Garden
To enjoy your garden with sustainable practices is not something which is overly difficult neither expensive, you can take in all the pleasures that gardening offer and gain self satisfaction in knowing that you are giving back to nature what it gives to you. Depending very much on the size of your garden, location, your…

Christopher Walkey
6 Ways to Refresh Your Home Decor on a Budget
The home is your refuge. You want to be at peace and feel good when you walk through the door every day. If your space feels a little stale, it may be time for an update. But not everyone has the cash to burn on new furniture or decor. Here are some tips to refresh…

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12 Things That Homeowners Should Keep In Mind When Moving
Moving is a huge undertaking. It can be stressful, tiring, and expensive. When you’re moving, there are a lot of things to think about. You have to pack up all your belongings, find a new place to live and figure out how to get everything from point A to point B. While it can be…

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How to Make the Exterior of Your Property Look Brand New
Most of us are keen to constantly improve the interior of our properties. We’re searching for new prints to hang on the walls or we’re updating the wallpaper and carpets every few years to keep our houses looking modern. As much as we all love having a stunning interior design, it’s easy to forget about…

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Where in the UK Has the Best Internet Connections?
When prospective buyers are examining what they want when buying or renting their next home, they’ll weigh up a whole host of different factors. They’ll want to know what the crime rate is, how much the property will cost to heat, what rate of council tax they’ll have to pay, how close it is to…

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