
Don’t Bother Blogging Unless……….


You’ve probably seen this article’s headline and thought why the hell is a PR expert telling me not to blog? Don’t worry I haven’t been on my Uncle Tighe’s ‘Special’ Cough Medicine. Let me expand on this article’s headline. It takes two minutes to read. Don’t bother blogging … it’ll make your estate agency look…



Why You Should Outsource Your Blog.


Great! You have a blog page on your website, but do you use it? Everyday I come across business websites whose blog page has no recent content, or the content consists of a paragraph – or even worse it is empty. Are you damaging your brand? No one said maintaining a blog was easy, especially…



Alex Evans

#WhyDoesEveryone #TalkLikeThisOnTwitter?


Hashtags. What are they? What do they do? And why do I keep seeing them pop up during TV shows? Hashtags all kicked off on Twitter but due to their popularity have been cropping up on most other forms of social media. Despite being so common place and their general recognition, we still see people…



Alex Evans

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Dress to Bill


As some of you know, I run a vendor-focused consultancy, at Through a network of consultants, we provide often much-needed advice and support for those sellers who are struggling to sell their home. As part of the induction process for new consultants, I have a unique three day training programme.  Part of that programme…



Sam Ashdown

5 reasons you should regularly update your Estate Agency website


Whether you have a big corporate website or a small blog, regularly updating the content on these mediums has many benefits. The frequency you update your website and why are important factors, I will explain the reasons and best practices below. Updating your website is not an easy task, it costs both time and money,…



Alex Evans

You’ve built a fantastic new Website, what’s next?


Having a mobile friendly website and an online presence has stopped being an optional extra and is now a necessity in the business world. Every business, regardless of size, should have a website. But once you have your online presence established, what then? Well, once you’ve opened your digital doors it’ll be your next job…



Alex Evans

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Want to book your diary solid?


Take a look at your diary – how close to capacity are you? We’re pretty close – several market appraisals every day keeps the diary full We’re fairly busy but could always handle more Nowhere near – we could handle at least double the market appraisal If you chose the last one – ‘Nowhere near capacity’ – I have something very…



Sam Ashdown

First impressions count.


We all know the importance of creating the right impression. From devising that picture-perfect living room, to securing properties to put on the market, the first impression of your agency together with that of home-movers is essential. In an industry whereby first impressions are crucial, make sure you implement the practice throughout every aspect of…



Alex Evans

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Online Versus Offline – The BIG Debate


Estate agency, as we’ve known it, is changing.  Pre-internet, our job was to provide information; post-internet, it our job is to explain it. Every vendor and purchaser, landlord and tenant, not only has all the information they think they need, right there at a click of their mouse, but they also have something we don’t:…



Sam Ashdown

Video Hosting – which is best for estate agency?


A survey of 1000 UK adults found that consumers are more likely to share (39%), comment (36%) and ‘like’ (56%) an online video than they are a text article. And of those asked, more people said they better engaged with online video in these ways than with online articles. With video sharing apps such as…



Alex Evans

Say YES to automation and watch your business grow!


Agents spend a considerable amount of time reconciling their portfolio, only to have to do the same thing again next month, the month after that and so on. They accept that it’s a necessary evil that allows them to understand how much money they have made in a given month. Until now, there has not…



Alex Evans

Use PR Power to Big Up your Agency


One of the most common misconceptions about public relations is it’s only big chains and sprawling corporations that can benefit from it or indeed have the budget for it. Wrong. There is absolutely no reason why savvy smaller estate agency owners can’t use PR effectively and affordably. I won’t work with chains or corporates for…



Alex Evans

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Know it all, yet?


When I deliver training, or make a presentation, the majority of my audience is there to learn.  Willingly, and gladly. I can tell which ones are: they are the ones sitting forwards, their body posture is open, and they’ve got their notepad and their pen at the ready, to scribble down any words of wisdom,…



Sam Ashdown

Why you should watch your Website’s bounce rate.


Normally when people discuss their websites stats, most people talk about how many hits their website has received over a period of time. Hits in this regard, means the number of times your website or more specifically your Webpages were visited.  This stat used to be important once upon a time as it was used…



Alex Evans

8 features that make a great property website.


Property website design is a very specialist industry and making sure your website performs to the highest level requires that it meets several criteria. 1) It must be mobile friendly Now more than ever it is imperative that your website is responsive and viewable on every device. A report by the BBC watchdog has shown…



Alex Evans