
Are you making this mistake on Twitter?


Over the last few months I’ve seen a growing number of agents making a presence on Twitter – and this is a good thing. But all too often I also see many agents making one big mistake which is reducing, if not preventing them from building a strong social presence on this powerful social media…



Alex Evans

Why use a property website specialist to build your site?


Why do you need a property website specialist to build your website? For the same reason you need an Architect to draw blueprints and a mechanic to fix your car. Property websites are a niche market with many considerations that have to be taken into account before a website can go live.  Don’t fund someone…



Are you not getting leads from your Estate Agency website?


In some capacity, I hear this every day, “I don’t get many leads from my website”. Many agencies seem to have websites just for the sake of having one.  There seems to be a widely accepted view that once they have a website, that’s that, job done. This seems to be a mentality that has…



Alex Evans

What Type Of Estate Agent Are You, a Farmer or Miner ?


Have you ever wondered what the difference is between the agents with the biggest piece of the postcode pie, and other agents? (I’m referring to the best independents, not corporate I might add.) You know, the agents with the quality stock that receive the invitations to come out to virtually all the valuations. Here’s my…



How is social media being embraced within the property industry?


A recent editorial that I was asked to write was on some of the major names in Property Portals and their usage of social media – It will be out soon in The Negotiator magazine so be sure to get your copy and read it there too! I randomly chose some well know names that were…



Christopher Walkey



Every year we see changes in the way that websites are designed and how they function from a user’s perspective. Many of these changes are driven by the biggest players in the market such as Google who often outline what they expect to see from companies creating a new website. Generally changes in design and…



Alex Evans

Why you should write a blog (even if no one reads it)!


If you’re reading this blog, you’re one of the literally tens of other people that tune in on a regular basis to hear my innovative insights and tales of experience. But it wasn’t always this way… When I started blogging no one was listening, like a crazy man yelling his musings into an empty room….



Alex Evans

Traditional vs Online Estate Agents – The Truth About Their Digital Service.


We know that the ongoing debate isn’t slowing down in it’s ferociousness – what exactly are the differences between traditional and online estate agents? Our new 30 page report attempts to find out. We’ve assessed 5 top traditional estate agents and 5 top online agents to try and see, from a digital perspective, who’s coming…



How to get the best property deal from an estate agent.


The real estate or the property market all over the world has reached to its pinnacle. The economist all over the world considers this industry as one of the rising industries along with tourism or I.T. With a proper flow of money in this industry has gained a standard growth over these last few years….



Alex Evans

How apps can make tenants lives easier (as well as your own).


This is our first article idea that we’ve received from our social media community! Thanks very much for the suggestion Rentals London and indeed this is a great question. Focusing specifically on the rentals side of things, we’ll look at not just how apps make your tenants lives easier, finding properties faster and with more information,…



Alex Evans

Your 10 step blog writing checklist.


Do you have a checklist for writing blog posts? Have you published content to realise you’ve forgotten to add your call to action (CTA) link? Or maybe you’re so focused on getting your post published, that you forgot to proofread it. No matter the reason, make blog writing checklists your new best friend. They’re a…



Social Media is no longer ‘an extra’, it’s ‘a necessity’ in 2015.


As we have now all said goodbye to 2014, many of us are now well into making plans and carrying out our marketing activities for 2015 – Building our brand awareness and increasing our market share. Estate agents across the country, including the major property search portals and industry service providers are mostly present on…



Christopher Walkey

How successful was Social Media for you in 2014?


Was social media a success for you in 2014? What’s in store for 2015? How successful was Social Media for you in 2014? And what have you planned for 2015? We can all safely say that social media has played a big part in marketing during 2014 and this has really gone from strength to…



Christopher Walkey

How to build your Twitter following.


With 64% of users being more likely to buy from brands they follow on Twitter, it’s easy to see why businesses are keen to build a presence on the network. However most often, businesses sign up hastily and expect a quick response to their efforts before building a strong and importantly, relevant following. But how…



Alex Evans

Name, not shame, in the big branding exercise.


The Apprentice is all wrapped up for another year. This TV show gives us so much material to blog about. Apart from how not to do business, it opens our eyes to how brands are built. From focus groups and creating a logo, to designing packaging and directing adverts, creating a brand is the corner stone of many Apprentice tasks. Remember…