Direct Mail – All You Need to Know
What is Direct Mail and how you can best use it to target and win the best new clients. Direct Mail is the source of much confusion and wonderment among estate agents, especially independent agents, with tiny marketing budgets. It looks like canvassing, but is it? Or does it mean leafletting? Or even just postcards?…
Sam Ashdown
My Ultimate Guide to Facebook Advertising for Estate Agents
The why, what and how of advertising on Facebook as an estate or letting agent, to generate new enquiries and valuation opportunities. Are you confused by Facebook, never mind Facebook advertising? Are you fearful of falling foul of Facebook’s ever-moving terms and conditions? Do you worry about throwing your money away on endless Boosts that…
Sam Ashdown
Tips and Tricks When Choosing a Name for Your Business
Congratulations! You have developed an eye-catching product and you have recently hired a handful of expert salespeople. Your website is nearly complete and you plan to be up and running within a few months. Unfortunately, one glaring problem represents the elephant in the room. You have not yet been able to decide upon a name…
EAN Content
Facebook for Estate Agents – the new stuff you need to know. (Don’t panic; it’s all good.)
Everything you need to know to make your Facebook page work for you. Facebook has changed. A lot. But we’ll come onto that in a bit. In the meantime, let’s look at: The power of Facebook today: 35.4% of the UK population has a Facebook account, that’s 33 million users. And a hefty 23 million…
Sam Ashdown
Modern Agents, Need Modern Solutions:
Everything you need to know about embracing the 21st Century: The past few years have seen a rapid growth in our digital world, alongside a decline in some of our strongest estate agency brands. The internet is dominating whilst the world of traditional businesses has become a sink or swim scenario. Online estate agents have…
EAN Content
Don’t Forget your Buyers
In his film Phenomenon, John Travolta plays a character who gets hit by lightning, unexpectedly rendering him a genius, temporarily at least. One scene in the movie stuck with me. Travolta’s character, George, is initially perplexed by the fact that a rabbit is somehow getting into his vegetable patch, and resolves to fix the problem….
Sam Ashdown
Light Pollution and Property Display
Pollution of every kind is coming under ever greater scrutiny from consumers, the media and national and local government, and light pollution may become the next area for debate and increased intervention. Will this affect estate agents and their displays? Anecdotal evidence from Europe suggests a hardening of attitudes is impacting in some places and…
EAN Content
Leading Estate Agents attend event at Google enhance their Digital Marketing
An estate agent’s website is their most important office. The footfall there is far higher than for any high street branch and with the market slowing, it is this reality that is pushing the most innovative traditional estate agents to embrace digital marketing and find ways to grow. At an event hosted at Google’s central…
EAN Content
5 Power Tips for Killer Blog Writing Results
The internet is a busy old virtual world from websites to Tweets, where ever you turn it is crowded and you have to work harder than ever to make sure you get your content seen. Here are five simple yet highly effective tips for blog writing which will help you to increase your views and…
Christopher Walkey
Why you Don’t need an App
Where’s your phone, right now? I bet that it’s not more than three feet from you; am I right? And there’s around a 50% chance that you’re even reading this post on your phone. When I reach for my computer to search for something on the internet, around 50% of the time, that computer is…
Sam Ashdown
Is there a future for traditional estate agents?
If you are a traditional estate agent I’ve come across a survey and report, you must read. I say ‘must’ in a pushy way as the report from Rix & Kay Solicitors LLP is in my opinion essential reading for estates agents who are worried about the threat from online only agents. It could very…
Jerry Lyons
What do you DO?
What do you say, when someone asks you “What do you do?” Do you reply, “I’m an estate agent”? Or perhaps you say, “I work for Downtons”? Or even, “I help people move ”? Perhaps what you say isn’t as important as how you feel when you reply. I’ve heard agents pre-empt any cruel barbs…
Sam Ashdown
How UK estate agents can use banners
Marketing is an important part of the job for a real estate agent. Not only to capture new clients who want to sell a house, also to contact possible buyers. In an increasingly competitive commercial market, it is important to get your business out there and be different from competitors. It is easy to only…
EAN Content
Does Your Website Have A £300 Million Button?
No one likes bad websites. If you can’t find the information you’re looking for in a nano second, you’ll simply click away and find it somewhere else. Your website is great: all the information a potential customer needs is right there at their fingertips, with no need to click onto a competitor’s site. But what…
Sam Ashdown
How to make money from being a full time Blogger
It seems to me that I have been blogging for most of my working life and it has in-deed played such a big part of my working life combined with social media, video and photography – I have always loved to grab content and to share it online and this is what has led me…
Christopher Walkey