Home and Living
What Price Party Politics on UK Property Prices?
It seems some years ago now that the country had a government in charge with clear values. A party that did not change it’s policies or position on a day to day basis, one that took democracy seriously, one that respected the values of the country and one who had a leader, the Prime Minister,…

Christopher Walkey
Six tips for maintaining natural stone flooring
Natural stone flooring is a stunning feature that is becoming more and more popular among homeowners. But to get as much as possible out of your stone flooring it is important to care for and maintain the surface. If you are new to stone floors – either because you have just had them installed, or…

EAN Content
You’ve found the house of your dreams – now what?
You’ve survived the stressful and emotional process of house-hunting and have finally found a new place that feels like it could be “home”. You’re ready to make an offer, but what happens next? Making an offer Ideally, during the viewing you will have demonstrated to the estate agent that you’re very interested in buying the…

EAN Content
The best Key safe solution for AirBNB Property
“So, where have you left the spare set of keys just in case we have to pop round to check something?” “They are under the larger flower pot next to the front door… ” Sounds familiar? Security is of upmost importance these days especially where we now frequently let out property on short term lets and require an easy…

Christopher Walkey
Just how smart is your door bell – 5 great solutions on the market:
So, just how smart is your door bell? It is not something that many of us are greatly concerned about and many of us in deed do not have a door bell at home and instead rely upon the gold old firm knock on the door or flipping of the letter box to grab the…

EAN Content
Top Carpet Cleaning Secrets – Easy and Money saving!
We certainly do love carpets here in the UK, many homes throughout the country will be laid with varied patterns and thickness of material to make our rooms that bit more cosy. Progressing from years ago when houses usually had tiles (both ceramic or plastic), good old bare floor boards or even parquet if one…

EAN Content
Six ways a home tennis court will change your life
Having a tennis court on your own property is a dream for many homeowners. Tennis is a quintessentially British pastime that is ideal for enjoying summer evenings with friends. So the opportunity to have a court of your own sitting just a few steps from your back door can be hugely appealing. But many people…

EAN Content
Staying Safe Over Summer
The summer holidays are in full swing and many of us are enjoying downing tools for a few weeks and enjoying a well-earned break. But before we head off to sunnier climates it is important to ensure your property is safe. To help you stay safe at home this summer we have put together some…

EAN Content
What should you do if your domestic oil tank is leaking?
Running your home using a private oil supply can be hugely beneficial. Not only can it be very cost-effective if you plan your purchasing properly, but it gives you greater control over your energy consumption and means that you’re not reliant on the mains network. However, owning and maintaining an oil storage tank is a…

EAN Content
When selling your property – 5 Tips for presenting your Gardens:
Most property will come with some kind of outside space from acres of land to a tiny concrete floored back yard. When it comes to selling property your outside space is quite important and maximising this area can be the final clincher in capturing that ‘sale’ as the garden will usually be the last area…

EAN Content
5 Questions to ask about managing a septic tank or cesspit in your home
Are you thinking of moving into a property that has a septic tank or a cesspit? The concept of not being connected to the public waste water system may be a new one to you. After all, it’s not something we normally need to think about – you flush and it disappears, no? However, in…

EAN Content
Are solar panels worth it in the UK?
Solar panels are not as expensive as they once were and it is now common to see homes across the country drawing solar power from their roofs. But is it really worth it? Clearly, having solar panels installed makes a difference from an ecological perspective, but is this something that is truly going to be…

EAN Content
7 Mistakes to Avoid if You’re a First-Time Buyer
Buying your first home is exciting, scary and emotional – usually all at the same time. What makes the experience different from any other house purchase is that you have no prior experience on which to base your expectations and can easily trip up on mistakes that a second-time buyer would know to avoid. If…

EAN Content
Do I Need a Solicitor When Selling My Business?
If you have ever sold a business, you will be well accustomed to the process. If you haven’t, however, keep reading. Selling a business is not simply a case of finding somebody who is interested, taking their money and handing over the keys… there’s a lot of due diligence involved, and the sale of a…

EAN Content
10 reasons why your home might be burgled
For all home owners when take security seriously be it our own property, our neighbourhood or that of our friends / family members and especially elder ones. Despite many deterrents, homes are still burgled across the country though the figures today are a lot less that just a few years ago: “In the survey year…

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