
Slideshows – affordable branded option.


A slideshow is an affordable impressive option to show your well presented properties. Photo slideshows can capture the attention of prospective clients, highlight features and entice them to see more thus contact you the agent. Using any form of video will increase your companies profile and gain massive exposure!  Photo Slideshows are of real benefit when you…



Alex Evans

Are you tapping into emotional selling?


We like to have the radio on in the office, songs come and songs go, we may like a tune but we really don’t take the time to listen intently to the words. Last week there was a video going around in social media of Kelly Clarkson singing Piece by Piece on the last episode…



Alex Evans

Who’s Your Pacemaker?


Do you ever watch the London Marathon or the Great North Run? I do, with a mixture of awe and guilt. Awe that so many people had taken on such a momentous challenge, of their own free will, and guilt, that I was enjoying the event from my sofa, while many people less fit than…



Sam Ashdown

How To Promote Your Lettings In 2016.


When it comes to promoting your property to let it’s not just about making as many people as possible aware of them, it’s about getting as many relevant eyeballs on them as you can. This means that you have to advertise smarter to place your property in front of those who are looking to rent,…



Alex Evans

Gamify your social media.


As my last blog might have given away, I love a bit of gaming. Pulling me away from the Nintendo when I was a kid was a chore, it was always “just one more level” or “I haven’t reached a save point!”. Not much has changed since then really, I’ll still jump at the chance…





We have written a number of blogs about Google analytics and how they should be used but one feature that stands out in terms of measuring performance is the goals that you set. Goals can effectively measure anything if you set them up in the right way but in order to keep this simple, we…



Alex Evans

What’s Your Audience Worth?


Why your audience is your most valuable asset, and how to look after it I posted this picture on Twitter the other evening. It opened up a bit of a debate. Some agents insisted that it works for them, generating enquiries and viewings. Others, including Julian O’Dell, estate agent and fellow trainer agreed with me:…



Sam Ashdown

Property videos – do they work?


Property Videos and videos in general have high conversion rates and other awesome benefits –  Video can simplify things, if you need to write a lot of content describing a rooms features and keeping the reader interested can be difficult, however in a video the viewer can see it all in a few minutes and…



Alex Evans

A weeks worth of Estate Agent Leaflets through the letterbox.


Firstly, why letterbox? It’s strange the way we adopt a phrase for describing something that it just isn’t quite the thing in question, surely, as per Wikipedia, letter hole would be better? “A slot in a wall or door through which mail is delivered (through-door delivery)” Source, Wikipedia. Anyway, I decided to collect the weekly Estate…



Christopher Walkey

Websites – Off The Shelf v’s Bespoke?


When designing and developing a website it’s tempting to get an affordable, standardised template site that on the surface of it covers the basic things you need. Ultimately though, you have to consider what your website says about you and your brand (if it’s cheap and off the shelf, why would your customer service be…



Alex Evans

Never Knock the Competition

Never Knock the Competition


Never knock the competition. My dad taught me this; he was a star sales rep in the 70s, way before social media made it so easy to do exactly that, but if he were still around, he’d give me the same advice now. In some ways, it’s more true now in this new transparent world…



Sam Ashdown

Estate & letting agents flyer distribution formula


Do you work for, or own your own estate or letting agency?  Are you looking to increase local brand awareness?   Are you targeting more prospective buyers, vendors, tenants and landlords?  If you answered yes to the above then please read on to learn a specific formula we have used for many of our estate and…



Alex Evans

Estate Agents Websites – My Top 5 Tips

Estate Agents Websites – My Top 5 Tips


I’m working on a few estate agents’ websites at the moment, including one for a real estate agent in Chicago. Your website is such an opportunity to showcase your agency and attract new clients, but most agent websites just miss the mark. I’ve put together here my top 5 website tips to help you evaluate…



Sam Ashdown

Ditching print media for digital media – Wise move?


Lisa Markwell, editor of the Independent on Sunday: “We have always found it terribly depressing that people will happily pay £3.70 for an appalling coffee from a take-out place and yet they won’t pay £1.60 or £2.20 on a Sunday for what is in effect a novel’s worth of terrific writing,”. Reading through the headlines and…



Christopher Walkey