A Day in the Life of an Estate Agent

Estate Agents should not all look the same

Park up that flashy company car, enter the office just before nine in the morning, stick on the coffee machine, catch up on the voicemails and emails and then simply sit back and wait for the phone calls from buyers wanting to view your listings and valuation requests from sellers. Sounds about right, no? Lots…

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Purchasing a Property with a Graveyard

tomb stones

Purchasing a property with a graveyard is a somewhat unique occurrence and for many will raise concerns. Not only will be the respect for the once living that must be taken in to consideration, it will also raise concerns to ownership of the land (and individual burial plots / tomb stones) plus any visitors rights…

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When to plant fruits and vegetables in your garden

I got the idea for this article after spending the afternoon in our garden greenhouse and raised bed areas, which are a relatively new addition thus seeing us planting seeds for the first time this year.  As with any new gardener I am keen to see the fruits (or vegetables) of my labour and I…

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How do I move / remove a Lamppost outside my Property?

For many people lampposts can be both unsightly and annoying. Most streets and roads of the UK will have a line of lampposts each side to illuminate the road and walkways,  street lights with a height of 5-6m on a residential estate roads and 8-12m on main traffic routes. Many are being converted over to…

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How much does Hoarding Effect your Property Value?

How to help out hoarders

There’s hoarding and then there’s hoarding! I am sure many of us are guilty of some kind of hoarding, it is not uncommon that we attach ourselves to certain items and are likely to store / reserve them instead of throwing them away. Many times, what we hoard we do not actually go on to…

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What Fee is your Estate Agent really worth?

It is quite a popular debate, both outside the industry and within, that evolves round what the real value in fees an estate agent is really worth. Throughout the year hundreds of thousands of property are sold up and down the country from studio apartments to estates and a majority of these happen thanks to…

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How to Buy Property at Auctions

buying at auction uk

Many of us will have at one time or another attended in person an auction or at the very least have seen one in action on television. Auctions come in all shapes and sizes from local auctions selling off house clearance items to themed auctions such as film / TV memorabilia or those focused on…

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Where to find Land for Sale

Planning disputes on new build land

For those of us looking for land for sale the search options are a touch more fragmented compared to when we are seeking property. Land, both with or without planning permission, is relatively in high demand in most locations across the UK and will usually have a waiting list of interested buyers. Land with planning…

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Typical Grudges People have with their Property

Of course there are plenty of positives when it comes to property, it’s our safe haven / sanctuary, the well known location of ‘an English mans home is his castle‘ and for many it’s where we spend most of our lifestyle from relaxing to entertaining, bringing up our families to enjoying retirement – Where on…

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Estate Agency TikTok’rs

Keep smiling through and time for TikTok

I’m sure that many of us in the property industry are inspired by highly successful property professionals across the globe from those television famous interior designers to luxury real estate agents earning millions in commissions annually and driving those Ferrari / Lamborghini dream cars. Even though the real estate sector holds big finance,  it is…

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Top Things that go Missing at Home

If we take out items that might have been theft and we leave out any ghostly paranormal activities, we are very much prone to losing the odd item or tow at home. Apparently, in the USA the most common item that goes missing at home is the television remote control whereas us in England it…

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